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[转载代码] [PowerShell每日技巧]单词首字母大写(20131107)

To correctly capitalize words (making sure the first character is capitalized), you can either use regular expressions or a little system function.

With regular expressions, here is what youd do:
  1. $sentence = 'here is some text where i would like the first letter to be capitalized.'
  2. $pattern = '\b(\w)'
  3. [RegEx]::Replace($sentence, $pattern, { param($x) $x.Value.ToUpper() })
And this produces the same results with a little system function:
  1. $sentence = 'here is some text where i would like the first letter to be capitalized.'
  2. (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($sentence)
Regular expressions are more complicated but more versatile as well. For example, if you wanted for some weird reason to replace the first letter of each word with its ASCII code, regular expressions can easily do:
  1. $sentence = 'here is some text where i would like the first letter to be capitalized.'
  2. $pattern = '\b(\w)'
  3. [RegEx]::Replace($sentence, $pattern, { param($x) [Byte][Char]$x.Value })
