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标题: [文件操作] pdftk----命令行下操作PDF的利器 [打印本页]

作者: sxw    时间: 2012-4-30 14:22     标题: pdftk----命令行下操作PDF的利器

PDFtk Server 2.02

老版本 1.44  (3.1M)

使用FDF Data或者XFDF来填写PDF窗体

Pdftk让你轻松管理你的PDF文档,并且是免费的,可以在Windows、Linux MACOSX、FreeBSD和Solaris系统上使用。

  1. 合并PDF:
  2. pdftk 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf cat output 123.pdf
  3. 或者 (使用通配符):
  4. pdftk *.pdf cat output combined.pdf
  5. 把多个PDF的不同页面组合成一个新的PDF文档(将one.pdf的前7页,two.pdf的前5页,one.pdf的第8页按先后顺序合并成combined.pdf)
  6. pdftk A=one.pdf B=two.pdf cat A1-7 B1-5 A8 output combined.pdf
  7. 旋转PDF的第一页为顺时针90度(向东)(其余页方向不变,2-end表示第2页到最后一页)
  8. pdftk in.pdf cat 1E 2-end output out.pdf
  9. 旋转PDF的第一页为逆时针(向西)90度,只提取第一页
  10. pdftk in.pdf cat 1W output out.pdf
  11. 选择所有PDF页面180度:
  12. pdftk in.pdf cat 1-endS output out.pdf
  13. 使用128强度加密PDF(安全模式,只读)
  14. pdftk in.pdf output mydoc.128.pdf owner_pw foopass
  15. 同上,同时给PDF加上访问密码(会弹出一个密码输入框)
  16. pdftk in.pdf output mydoc.128.pdf owner_pw foo user_pw baz
  17. 同上,但是运行打印:
  18. pdftk in.pdf output mydoc.128.pdf owner_pw foo user_pw baz allow printing
  19. 解密PDF文档(foopass替换成pdf的owner_pw密码):注意:前提是你得知道pdf的密码所以此功能只是解除所有者的密码,使阅读者不需要输密码
  20. pdftk secured.pdf input_pw foopass output unsecured.pdf
  21. 合并两个PDF文档,其中一个是加密的,但最终文档不加密:
  22. pdftk A=secured.pdf mydoc.pdf input_pw A=foopass cat output combined.pdf
  23. 解压PDF流,以便文本编辑:(不清楚是干什么用的)
  24. pdftk mydoc.pdf output mydoc.clear.pdf uncompress
  25. 压缩PDF:
  26. pdftk mydoc.pdf output mydoc.clear.pdf compress
  27. 修复PDF文档
  28. pdftk broken.pdf output fixed.pdf
  29. 分解成单页(文件名以pg_开头)
  30. pdftk mydoc.pdf burst
  31. 报告PDF信息,输出到文本
  32. pdftk mydoc.pdf dump_data output report.txt

  1. pdftk 1.44 a Handy Tool for Manipulating PDF Documents
  2. Copyright (C) 2003-10, Sid Steward - Please Visit:
  3. This is free software; see the source code for copying conditions. There is
  6.        pdftk <input PDF files | - | PROMPT>
  7.     [ input_pw <input PDF owner passwords | PROMPT> ]
  8.     [ <operation> <operation arguments> ]
  9.     [ output <output filename | - | PROMPT> ]
  10.     [ encrypt_40bit | encrypt_128bit ]
  11.     [ allow <permissions> ]
  12.     [ owner_pw <owner password | PROMPT> ]
  13.     [ user_pw <user password | PROMPT> ]
  14.     [ flatten ] [ compress | uncompress ]
  15.     [ keep_first_id | keep_final_id ] [ drop_xfa ]
  16.     [ verbose ] [ dont_ask | do_ask ]
  17.        Where:
  18.     <operation> may be empty, or:
  19.     [ cat | shuffle | burst |
  20.       generate_fdf | fill_form |
  21.       background | multibackground |
  22.       stamp | multistamp |
  23.       dump_data | dump_data_utf8 |
  24.       dump_data_fields | dump_data_fields_utf8 |
  25.       update_info | update_info_utf8 |
  26.       attach_files | unpack_files ]
  27.        For Complete Help: pdftk --help
  29.        If PDF is electronic paper, then pdftk is an electronic staple-remover,
  30.        hole-punch, binder, secret-decoder-ring, and X-Ray-glasses.  Pdftk is a
  31.        simple tool for doing everyday things with PDF documents.  Use it to:
  32.        * Merge PDF Documents or Collate PDF Page Scans
  33.        * Split PDF Pages into a New Document
  34.        * Rotate PDF Documents or Pages
  35.        * Decrypt Input as Necessary (Password Required)
  36.        * Encrypt Output as Desired
  37.        * Fill PDF Forms with X/FDF Data and/or Flatten Forms
  38.        * Generate FDF Data Stencils from PDF Forms
  39.        * Apply a Background Watermark or a Foreground Stamp
  40.        * Report PDF Metrics such as Metadata and Bookmarks
  41.        * Update PDF Metadata
  42.        * Attach Files to PDF Pages or the PDF Document
  43.        * Unpack PDF Attachments
  44.        * Burst a PDF Document into Single Pages
  45.        * Uncompress and Re-Compress Page Streams
  46.        * Repair Corrupted PDF (Where Possible)
  48.        A summary of options is included below.
  49.        --help, -h
  50.       Show summary of options.
  51.        <input PDF files | - | PROMPT>
  52.       A list of the input PDF files. If you plan to combine these PDFs
  53.       (without using handles) then list files in the order you want
  54.       them combined.  Use - to pass a single PDF into pdftk via stdin.
  55.       Input files can be associated with handles, where a handle is a
  56.       single, upper-case letter:
  57.       <input PDF handle>=<input PDF filename>
  58.       Handles are often omitted.  They are useful when specifying PDF
  59.       passwords or page ranges, later.
  60.       For example: A=input1.pdf B=input2.pdf
  61.        [input_pw <input PDF owner passwords | PROMPT>]
  62.       Input PDF owner passwords, if necessary, are associated with
  63.       files by using their handles:
  64.       <input PDF handle>=<input PDF file owner password>
  65.       If handles are not given, then passwords are associated with
  66.       input files by order.
  67.       Most pdftk features require that encrypted input PDF are accom-
  68.       panied by the ~owner~ password. If the input PDF has no owner
  69.       password, then the user password must be given, instead. If the
  70.       input PDF has no passwords, then no password should be given.
  71.       When running in do_ask mode, pdftk will prompt you for a pass-
  72.       word if the supplied password is incorrect or none was given.
  73.        [<operation> <operation arguments>]
  74.       If this optional argument is omitted, then pdftk runs in 'fil-
  75.       ter' mode.  Filter mode takes only one PDF input and creates a
  76.       new PDF after applying all of the output options, like encryp-
  77.       tion and compression.
  78.       Available operations are: cat, shuffle, burst, generate_fdf,
  79.       fill_form, background, multibackground, stamp, multistamp,
  80.       dump_data, dump_data_utf8, dump_data_fields,
  81.       dump_data_fields_utf8, update_info, update_info_utf8,
  82.       attach_files, unpack_files. Some operations takes additional
  83.       arguments, described below.
  84.   cat [<page ranges>]
  85. Catenates pages from input PDFs to create a new PDF.  Page
  86. order in the new PDF is specified by the order of the given
  87. page ranges.  Page ranges are described like this:
  88. <input PDF handle>[<begin page number>[-<end page num-
  89. ber>[<qualifier>]]][<page rotation>]
  90. Where the handle identifies one of the input PDF files, and
  91. the beginning and ending page numbers are one-based refer-
  92. ences to pages in the PDF file, and the qualifier can be even
  93. or odd, and the page rotation can be N, S, E, W, L, R, or D.
  94. If the handle is omitted from the page range, then the pages
  95. are taken from the first input PDF.
  96. The even qualifier causes pdftk to use only the even-numbered
  97. PDF pages, so 1-6even yields pages 2, 4 and 6 in that order.
  98. 6-1even yields pages 6, 4 and 2 in that order.
  99. The odd qualifier works similarly to the even.
  100. The page rotation setting can cause pdftk to rotate pages and
  101. documents.  Each option sets the page rotation as follows (in
  102. degrees): N: 0, E: 90, S: 180, W: 270, L: -90, R: +90, D:
  103. +180. L, R, and D make relative adjustments to a page's rota-
  104. tion.
  105. If no arguments are passed to cat, then pdftk combines all
  106. input PDFs in the order they were given to create the output.
  107. NOTES:
  108. * <end page number> may be less than <begin page number>.
  109. * The keyword end may be used to reference the final page of
  110. a document instead of a page number.
  111. * Reference a single page by omitting the ending page number.
  112. * The handle may be used alone to represent the entire PDF
  113. document, e.g., B1-end is the same as B.
  114. Page Range Examples w/o Handles:
  115. 1-endE - rotate entire document 90 degrees
  116. 5 11 20 - take single pages from input PDF
  117. 5-25oddW - take odd pages in range, rotate 90 degrees
  118. 6-1 - reverse pages in range from input PDF
  119. Page Range Examples Using Handles:
  120. Say A=in1.pdf B=in2.pdf, then:
  121. A1-21 - take range from in1.pdf
  122. Bend-1odd - take all odd pages from in2.pdf in reverse order
  123. A72 - take a single page from in1.pdf
  124. A1-21 Beven A72 - assemble pages from both in1.pdf and
  125. in2.pdf
  126. AW - rotate entire in1.pdf document 90 degrees
  127. B - use all of in2.pdf
  128. A2-30evenL - take the even pages from the range, remove 90
  129. degrees from each page's rotation
  130. A A - catenate in1.pdf with in1.pdf
  131. AevenW AoddE - apply rotations to even pages, odd pages from
  132. in1.pdf
  133. AW BW BD - catenate rotated documents
  134.   shuffle [<page ranges>]
  135. Collates pages from input PDFs to create a new PDF.  Works
  136. like the cat operation except that it takes one page at a
  137. time from each page range to assemble the output PDF. If one
  138. range runs out of pages, it continues with the remaining
  139. ranges.  Ranges can use all of the features described above
  140. for cat, like reverse page ranges, multiple ranges from a
  141. single PDF, and page rotation.  This feature was designed to
  142. help collate PDF pages after scanning paper documents.
  143.   burst  Splits a single, input PDF document into individual pages.
  144. Also creates a report named doc_data.txt which is the same as
  145. the output from dump_data.  If the output section is omitted,
  146. then PDF pages are named: pg_%04d.pdf, e.g.: pg_0001.pdf,
  147. pg_0002.pdf, etc.  To name these pages yourself, supply a
  148. printf-styled format string via the output section.  For
  149. example, if you want pages named: page_01.pdf, page_02.pdf,
  150. etc., pass output page_%02d.pdf to pdftk.  Encryption can be
  151. applied to the output by appending output options such as
  152. owner_pw, e.g.:
  153. pdftk in.pdf burst owner_pw foopass
  154.   generate_fdf
  155. Reads a single, input PDF file and generates an FDF file
  156. suitable for fill_form out of it to the given output filename
  157. or (if no output is given) to stdout. Does not create a new
  158. PDF.
  159.   fill_form <FDF data filename | XFDF data filename | - | PROMPT>
  160. Fills the single input PDF's form fields with the data from
  161. an FDF file, XFDF file or stdin. Enter the data filename
  162. after fill_form, or use - to pass the data via stdin, like
  163. so:
  164. pdftk form.pdf fill_form data.fdf output form.filled.pdf
  165. After filling a form, the form fields remain interactive
  166. unless you also use the flatten output option. flatten merges
  167. the form fields with the PDF pages. You can use flatten
  168. alone, too, but only on a single PDF:
  169. pdftk form.pdf fill_form data.fdf output out.pdf flatten
  170. or:
  171. pdftk form.filled.pdf output out.pdf flatten
  172. If the input FDF file includes Rich Text formatted data in
  173. addition to plain text, then the Rich Text data is packed
  174. into the form fields as well as the plain text.  Pdftk also
  175. sets a flag that cues Acrobat/Reader to generate new field
  176. appearances based on the Rich Text data.  That way, when the
  177. user opens the PDF, the viewer will create the Rich Text
  178. fields on the spot.  If the user's PDF viewer does not sup-
  179. port Rich Text, then the user will see the plain text data
  180. instead.  If you flatten this form before Acrobat has a
  181. chance to create (and save) new field appearances, then the
  182. plain text field data is what you'll see.
  183.   background <background PDF filename | - | PROMPT>
  184. Applies a PDF watermark to the background of a single input
  185. PDF.  Pass the background PDF's filename after background
  186. like so:
  187. pdftk in.pdf background back.pdf output out.pdf
  188. Pdftk uses only the first page from the background PDF and
  189. applies it to every page of the input PDF.  This page is
  190. scaled and rotated as needed to fit the input page.  You can
  191. use - to pass a background PDF into pdftk via stdin.
  192. If the input PDF does not have a transparent background (such
  193. as a PDF created from page scans) then the resulting back-
  194. ground won't be visible -- use the stamp operation instead.
  195.   multibackground <background PDF filename | - | PROMPT>
  196. Same as the background operation, but applies each page of
  197. the background PDF to the corresponding page of the input
  198. PDF.  If the input PDF has more pages than the stamp PDF,
  199. then the final stamp page is repeated across these remaining
  200. pages in the input PDF.
  201.   stamp <stamp PDF filename | - | PROMPT>
  202. This behaves just like the background operation except it
  203. overlays the stamp PDF page on top of the input PDF docu-
  204. ment's pages. This works best if the stamp PDF page has a
  205. transparent background.
  206.   multistamp <stamp PDF filename | - | PROMPT>
  207. Same as the stamp operation, but applies each page of the
  208. background PDF to the corresponding page of the input PDF.
  209. If the input PDF has more pages than the stamp PDF, then the
  210. final stamp page is repeated across these remaining pages in
  211. the input PDF.
  212.   dump_data
  213. Reads a single, input PDF file and reports various statis-
  214. tics, metadata, bookmarks (a/k/a outlines), and page labels
  215. to the given output filename or (if no output is given) to
  216. stdout.  Non-ASCII characters are encoded as XML numerical
  217. entities.  Does not create a new PDF.
  218.   dump_data_utf8
  219. Same as dump_data excepct that the output is encoded as
  220. UTF-8.
  221.   dump_data_fields
  222. Reads a single, input PDF file and reports form field statis-
  223. tics to the given output filename or (if no output is given)
  224. to stdout. Non-ASCII characters are encoded as XML numerical
  225. entities. Does not create a new PDF.
  226.   dump_data_fields_utf8
  227. Same as dump_data_fields excepct that the output is encoded
  228. as UTF-8.
  229.   update_info <info data filename | - | PROMPT>
  230. Changes the metadata stored in a single PDF's Info dictionary
  231. to match the input data file. The input data file uses the
  232. same syntax as the output from dump_data. Non-ASCII charac-
  233. ters should be encoded as XML numerical entities. This does
  234. not change the metadata stored in the PDF's XMP stream, if it
  235. has one. For example:
  236. pdftk in.pdf update_info output out.pdf
  237.   update_info_utf8 <info data filename | - | PROMPT>
  238. Same as update_info except that the input is encoded as
  239. UTF-8.
  240.   attach_files <attachment filenames | PROMPT> [to_page <page number |
  241.   PROMPT>]
  242. Packs arbitrary files into a PDF using PDF's file attachment
  243. features. More than one attachment may be listed after
  244. attach_files. Attachments are added at the document level
  245. unless the optional to_page option is given, in which case
  246. the files are attached to the given page number (the first
  247. page is 1, the final page is end). For example:
  248. pdftk in.pdf attach_files table1.html table2.html to_page 6
  249. output out.pdf
  250.   unpack_files
  251. Copies all of the attachments from the input PDF into the
  252. current folder or to an output directory given after output.
  253. For example:
  254. pdftk report.pdf unpack_files output ~/atts/
  255. or, interactively:
  256. pdftk report.pdf unpack_files output PROMPT
  257.        [output <output filename | - | PROMPT>]
  258.       The output PDF filename may not be set to the name of an input
  259.       filename. Use - to output to stdout.  When using the dump_data
  260.       operation, use output to set the name of the output data file.
  261.       When using the unpack_files operation, use output to set the
  262.       name of an output directory.  When using the burst operation,
  263.       you can use output to control the resulting PDF page filenames
  264.       (described above).
  265.        [encrypt_40bit | encrypt_128bit]
  266.       If an output PDF user or owner password is given, output PDF
  267.       encryption strength defaults to 128 bits.  This can be overrid-
  268.       den by specifying encrypt_40bit.
  269.        [allow <permissions>]
  270.       Permissions are applied to the output PDF only if an encryption
  271.       strength is specified or an owner or user password is given.  If
  272.       permissions are not specified, they default to 'none,' which
  273.       means all of the following features are disabled.
  274.       The permissions section may include one or more of the following
  275.       features:
  276.       Printing
  277.      Top Quality Printing
  278.       DegradedPrinting
  279.      Lower Quality Printing
  280.       ModifyContents
  281.      Also allows Assembly
  282.       Assembly
  283.       CopyContents
  284.      Also allows ScreenReaders
  285.       ScreenReaders
  286.       ModifyAnnotations
  287.      Also allows FillIn
  288.       FillIn
  289.       AllFeatures
  290.      Allows the user to perform all of the above, and top
  291.      quality printing.
  292.        [owner_pw <owner password | PROMPT>]
  293.        [user_pw <user password | PROMPT>]
  294.       If an encryption strength is given but no passwords are sup-
  295.       plied, then the owner and user passwords remain empty, which
  296.       means that the resulting PDF may be opened and its security
  297.       parameters altered by anybody.
  298.        [compress | uncompress]
  299.       These are only useful when you want to edit PDF code in a text
  300.       editor like vim or emacs.  Remove PDF page stream compression by
  301.       applying the uncompress filter. Use the compress filter to
  302.       restore compression.
  303.        [flatten]
  304.       Use this option to merge an input PDF's interactive form fields
  305.       (and their data) with the PDF's pages. Only one input PDF may be
  306.       given. Sometimes used with the fill_form operation.
  307.        [keep_first_id | keep_final_id]
  308.       When combining pages from multiple PDFs, use one of these
  309.       options to copy the document ID from either the first or final
  310.       input document into the new output PDF. Otherwise pdftk creates
  311.       a new document ID for the output PDF. When no operation is
  312.       given, pdftk always uses the ID from the (single) input PDF.
  313.        [drop_xfa]
  314.       If your input PDF is a form created using Acrobat 7 or Adobe
  315.       Designer, then it probably has XFA data. Filling such a form
  316.       using pdftk yields a PDF with data that fails to display in
  317.       Acrobat 7 (and 6?).  The workaround solution is to remove the
  318.       form's XFA data, either before you fill the form using pdftk or
  319.       at the time you fill the form. Using this option causes pdftk to
  320.       omit the XFA data from the output PDF form.
  321.       This option is only useful when running pdftk on a single input
  322.       PDF.  When assembling a PDF from multiple inputs using pdftk,
  323.       any XFA data in the input is automatically omitted.
  324.        [verbose]
  325.       By default, pdftk runs quietly. Append verbose to the end and it
  326.       will speak up.
  327.        [dont_ask | do_ask]
  328.       Depending on the compile-time settings (see ASK_ABOUT_WARNINGS),
  329.       pdftk might prompt you for further input when it encounters a
  330.       problem, such as a bad password. Override this default behavior
  331.       by adding dont_ask (so pdftk won't ask you what to do) or do_ask
  332.       (so pdftk will ask you what to do).
  333.       When running in dont_ask mode, pdftk will over-write files with
  334.       its output without notice.
  336.        Collate scanned pages
  337. pdftk A=even.pdf B=odd.pdf shuffle A B output collated.pdf
  338. or if odd.pdf is in reverse order:
  339. pdftk A=even.pdf B=odd.pdf shuffle A Bend-1 output collated.pdf
  340.        Decrypt a PDF
  341. pdftk secured.pdf input_pw foopass output unsecured.pdf
  342.        Encrypt a PDF using 128-bit strength (the default), withhold all per-
  343.        missions (the default)
  344. pdftk 1.pdf output 1.128.pdf owner_pw foopass
  345.        Same as above, except password 'baz' must also be used to open output
  346.        PDF
  347. pdftk 1.pdf output 1.128.pdf owner_pw foo user_pw baz
  348.        Same as above, except printing is allowed (once the PDF is open)
  349. pdftk 1.pdf output 1.128.pdf owner_pw foo user_pw baz allow printing
  350.        Join in1.pdf and in2.pdf into a new PDF, out1.pdf
  351. pdftk in1.pdf in2.pdf cat output out1.pdf
  352. or (using handles):
  353. pdftk A=in1.pdf B=in2.pdf cat A B output out1.pdf
  354. or (using wildcards):
  355. pdftk *.pdf cat output combined.pdf
  356.        Remove 'page 13' from in1.pdf to create out1.pdf
  357. pdftk in.pdf cat 1-12 14-end output out1.pdf
  358. or:
  359. pdftk A=in1.pdf cat A1-12 A14-end output out1.pdf
  360.        Apply 40-bit encryption to output, revoking all permissions (the
  361.        default). Set the owner PW to 'foopass'.
  362. pdftk 1.pdf 2.pdf cat output 3.pdf encrypt_40bit owner_pw foopass
  363.        Join two files, one of which requires the password 'foopass'. The out-
  364.        put is not encrypted.
  365. pdftk A=secured.pdf 2.pdf input_pw A=foopass cat output 3.pdf
  366.        Uncompress PDF page streams for editing the PDF in a text editor (e.g.,
  367.        vim, emacs)
  368. pdftk doc.pdf output doc.unc.pdf uncompress
  369.        Repair a PDF's corrupted XREF table and stream lengths, if possible
  370. pdftk broken.pdf output fixed.pdf
  371.        Burst a single PDF document into pages and dump its data to
  372.        doc_data.txt
  373. pdftk in.pdf burst
  374.        Burst a single PDF document into encrypted pages. Allow low-quality
  375.        printing
  376. pdftk in.pdf burst owner_pw foopass allow DegradedPrinting
  377.        Write a report on PDF document metadata and bookmarks to report.txt
  378. pdftk in.pdf dump_data output report.txt
  379.        Rotate the first PDF page to 90 degrees clockwise
  380. pdftk in.pdf cat 1E 2-end output out.pdf
  381.        Rotate an entire PDF document to 180 degrees
  382. pdftk in.pdf cat 1-endS output out.pdf
  383. NOTES
  384.        The pdftk home page permalink is:
  386.        The easy-to-remember shortcut is:
  387. AUTHOR
  388.        Sid Steward (sid.steward at pdflabs dot com) maintains pdftk.  Please
  389.        email him with questions or bug reports.  Include pdftk in the subject
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作者: caruko    时间: 2012-4-30 15:53

作者: ivor    时间: 2012-5-1 17:57

作者: yangeren    时间: 2012-5-1 23:01

echo %dirName%&md %dirName%
作者: ywq111    时间: 2013-8-10 23:27

pdftk test.pdf attach_files *.7z output test2.pdf

作者: Batcher    时间: 2023-7-31 17:38







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