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标题: [其他] [有奖翻译]T001:命令行工具NirCmd.exe2.20(综合性工具) [打印本页]

作者: Batcher    时间: 2009-1-4 21:22     标题: [有奖翻译]T001:命令行工具NirCmd.exe2.20(综合性工具)






NirCmd is a small command-line utility that allows you to do some useful tasks without displaying any user interface. By running NirCmd with simple command-line option, you can write and delete values and keys in the Registry, write values into INI file, dial to your internet account or connect to a VPN network, restart windows or shut down the computer, create shortcut to a file, change the created/modified date of a file, change your display settings, turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-ROM drive, and more...

Examples of what you can do with NirCmd

Open the door of J: CD-ROM drivenircmd.exe cdrom open j:
Close the door of Y: CD-ROM drivenircmd.exe cdrom close y:
Increase the system volume by 2000 units (out of 65535)nircmd.exe changesysvolume 2000
Decrease the system volume by 5000 units (out of 65535)nircmd.exe changesysvolume -5000
Set the volume to the highest valuenircmd.exe setsysvolume 65535
Mute the system volumenircmd.exe mutesysvolume 1
Unmute the system volumenircmd.exe mutesysvolume 0
Switch the system volume between the mute and normal state.nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 2
Create a shortcut on your desktop that switch the system volume between the mute and normal state.nircmd.exe cmdshortcut "~$folder.desktop$" "Switch Volume" mutesysvolume 2
Turn off the monitornircmd.exe monitor off
Start the default screen savernircmd.exe screensaver
Put your computer in 'standby' modenircmd.exe standby
log off the current usernircmd.exe exitwin logoff
Ask if you want to reboot, and if you answer 'Yes', reboot the computer.nircmd.exe qboxcom "Do you want to reboot ?" "question" exitwin reboot
Turn off your computernircmd.exe exitwin poweroff
Turn off all computers specified in computers.txt !multiremote copy "c:\temp\computers.txt" exitwin poweroff force
Dial to "My Internet" connectionnircmd.exe rasdial "My Internet"
Disconnect the "My Internet" connectionnircmd.exe rashangup "My Internet"
Make your Internet Explorer windows 75% transparent ! (192 / 256)nircmd.exe win trans ititle "internet explorer" 192
Minimize all your Internet Explorer windowsnircmd.exe win min class "IEFrame"
Close all your Internet Explorer windowsnircmd.exe win close class "IEFrame"
Close all your Explorer windows (My Computer, folders, and so on)nircmd.exe win close class "CabinetWClass"
Hide all your Internet Explorer windowsnircmd.exe win hide class "IEFrame"
Show all your Internet Explorer windows (after you made them hidden with previous example)nircmd.exe win show class "IEFrame"
Center all top-level windowsnircmd.exe win center alltop
Remove the title bar of My Computer window.nircmd.exe win -style title "my computer" 0x00C00000
Return the title bar of My Computer window that we removed in the previous example.nircmd.exe win +style title "my computer" 0x00C00000
Set the My Computer window to right-to-left order (For hebrew and arabic languages)nircmd win +exstyle title "my computer" 0x00400000
Set all child windows of My Computer window to right-to-left order (For hebrew and arabic languages)nircmd win child title "my computer" +exstyle all 0x00400000
Create a shortcut on your desktop that closes all your Internet Explorer windowsnircmd.exe cmdshortcut " "~$folder.desktop$ "Close All IE" win close class "IEFrame"
Create a shortcut on your desktop that hides all your Internet Explorer windowsnircmd.exe cmdshortcut " "~$folder.desktop$ "Hide All IE" win hide class "IEFrame"
Create a shortcut on your desktop that shows back all your Internet Explorer windowsnircmd.exe cmdshortcut " "~$folder.desktop$ "Show All IE" win show class "IEFrame"
Set the Windows Calculator as top-most window (above all other windows)nircmd.exe win settopmost title "Calculator" 1
Set the Windows Calculator back to regular window (non top-most window)nircmd.exe win settopmost title "Calculator" 0
Create a shortcut to Windows calculator under Start Menu->Programs->Calculatorsnircmd.exe shortcut "f:\winnt\system32\calc.exe" "~$folder.programs$\Calculators" "Windows Calculator"
Hide the desktop windownircmd.exe win hide class progman
Show the desktop window (After hiding it in previous example)nircmd.exe win show class progman
Hide the start button on the system traynircmd.exe win child class "Shell_TrayWnd" hide class "button"
Show the start button on the system traynircmd.exe win child class "Shell_TrayWnd" show class "button"
Hide the clock on the system traynircmd.exe win child class "Shell_TrayWnd" hide class "TrayClockWClass"
Show the clock on the system traynircmd.exe win child class "Shell_TrayWnd" show class "TrayClockWClass"
Kill (terminate) all instance of Internet Explorer processesnircmd.exe killprocess iexplore.exe
Create a shortcut on your desktop that opens the door of K: CDROM drive when you run it.nircmd.exe cmdshortcut "~$folder.desktop$" "Open CDROM" cdrom open k:
Create a shortcut to NirSoft Web site on your desktopnircmd.exe urlshortcut "" "~$folder.desktop$" "NirSoft"
Add NirSoft Web site to your Favorities under Links folder.nircmd.exe urlshortcut "" "~$folder.favorites$\Links" "NirSoft"
Create a shortcut to NirSoft Web site on the desktop of all computers listed in computers.txtnircmd.exe multiremote copy "c:\temp\computers.txt" urlshortcut "" "~$folder.common_desktop$" "NirSoft"
Set the display mode to 800x600x24bit colorsnircmd.exe setdisplay 800 600 24
Create a shortcut on the desktop that set the display mode to 800x600x24bit colorsnircmd.exe cmdshortcut "~$folder.desktop$" "800x600x24" setdisplay 800 600 24
Copy all shortcuts on your desktop to another folder (f:\temp\desktop).nircmd.exe execmd copy "~$folder.desktop$\*.lnk" f:\temp\desktop
Restart your Apache server (under Windows NT/2000/XP/2003)nircmd.exe service restart apache
Create a shortcut on your desktop that restarts the Apache servernircmd.exe cmdshortcut "~$folder.desktop$" "Restart Apache" service restart apache
Restart your IISnircmd.exe service restart w3svc
Restart MySqlnircmd.exe service restart MySql
Open the desired Registry key/value in RegEditnircmd.exe regedit "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" "CommonFilesDir"
Open the Registry key that you copied to the clipboard in RegEdit.nircmd regedit "~$clipboard$"
Disable the screen savernircmd.exe regsetval sz "HKCU\control panel\desktop" "ScreenSaveActive" 0
Enable the screen savernircmd.exe regsetval sz "HKCU\control panel\desktop" "ScreenSaveActive" 1
Change the date/time of the specified filename (creation time and modified time)nircmd.exe setfiletime "c:\temp\myfile.txt" "24-06-2003 17:57:11" "22-11-2005 10:21:56"
Copy your desktop folder path to the clipboardnircmd.exe clipboard set ~$folder.desktop$
Copy your start menu folder path to the clipboardnircmd.exe clipboard set ~$folder.start_menu$
Copy the content of info1.txt (simple text file) to the clipboardnircmd.exe clipboard readfile "c:\My Files\info1.txt"
Add the text content of clipboard to info1.txtnircmd.exe clipboard addfile "c:\My Files\info1.txt"
Clear the clipboardnircmd.exe clipboard clear
Create all folders specified in "c:\temp\folders.txt". The folder path names are separated by CRLF characters.nircmd.exe paramsfile "c:\temp\folders.txt" "" "" execmd md ~$fparam.1$
Install the specified .NET assembly in the global assembly cache (like gacutil)nircmd.exe gac install "C:\temp\MyAssembly\bin\MyAssembly.dll"
Empty the recycle bin in all drives.nircmd.exe emptybin
Answer 'Yes' to a standard Windows message-box.nircmd.exe dlg "" "" click yes
Wait 2 seconds, and then save the current screen to shot.pngnircmd.exe cmdwait 2000 savescreenshot "f:\temp\shot.png"


sylovanas +10

lhjoanna +50



RiceFans 也参加了本次翻译活动,但其提供的下载链接已经失效,无法验证其翻译的内容,因此不予积分奖励,非常遗憾。









作者: sylovanas    时间: 2009-1-6 18:08


~n:换行 ( 包含换行和回车 LF - CR)
  1. nircmd infobox "我愛~n批處理" ""
  2. 我愛
  3. 批處理
~q:显示双引号 "
~xnn: 显示ascii字元 (16进位) ex: ~x25 = %
~~: 显示字元 ~
~$variable$: 显示传回的变数,如下:

~$clipboard$:显示剪贴簿内的资料 ( 纯文字 )
~$param.paramname$:让你自己输入显示的文字 ex:
  1. nircmd infobox ~$param.1$ ~$param.2$
~$fparam.number$: 不清楚,应该是显示自己汇入的文字文件
~$sys.varname$:显示系统已定义的变数 ex
nircmd infobox "windows文件为位置在~$sys.windir$ " "文件位置"

  1. nircmd infobox "使用者\菜单\‘启动’位置为~$folder.startup[code]nircmd infobox "使用者\菜单\‘启动’位置为~$folder.startup$ " "

[ 本帖最后由 sylovanas 于 2009-1-6 18:14 编辑 ]
作者: lhjoanna    时间: 2009-1-8 03:50     标题: NirCmd v2.20帮助文档中文译本



链接: 提取码: p84b
作者: wangjmh    时间: 2009-4-4 14:20     标题: 终于翻译完了

链接: 提取码: q33e
作者: winnipr    时间: 2009-4-15 17:06     标题: 顶一下

作者: yzzsjc2008    时间: 2009-4-17 17:47

作者: hai2002713    时间: 2009-4-24 08:11

作者: clm0081    时间: 2009-7-22 15:03

很好啊 用在BAT里正合适
作者: xcwh    时间: 2009-8-12 18:38

作者: weasel    时间: 2009-8-24 00:21

作者: ashdisp    时间: 2009-9-24 14:25

作者: strong12345    时间: 2010-3-9 16:14     标题: 回复 3楼 的帖子

請問nircmd 和 nircmdc 有什麼不同?
作者: Spring    时间: 2010-3-9 17:03

nircmd 会有个对话框显示程序相关信息,并且有个 CopyToWindowsDirectory 按钮可以直接将其复制到系统目录下;
nircmdc 是纯的命令行。
作者: yuan6319    时间: 2010-9-25 16:43

作者: Batcher    时间: 2010-9-25 22:04     标题: 回复 14楼 的帖子

作者: mstsc    时间: 2011-8-13 22:35

我来啦     下载学习中
作者: gudou    时间: 2011-9-29 03:24

作者: Batcher    时间: 2011-9-29 10:50

回复 17# gudou

作者: caruko    时间: 2011-9-29 11:34

本帖最后由 caruko 于 2011-9-29 11:36 编辑

是一个小的命令行实用工具,允许你做一些有用的任务,没有显示任何用户界面 。通过运行简单的命令行选项NirCmd,你可以写和删除注册表项和值,写入INI文件中的值,拨号到您的Internet帐户或连接到一个VPN网络,重新启动Windows或关闭计算机,创建快捷方式到一个文件,改变文件的创建/修改日期,更改您的显示设置,关闭显示器,打开您的CD - ROM驱动器的门,和更多的... ...你可以做什么用NirCmd的例子

打开门的J:CD - ROM驱动器        nircmd.exe CDROM打开J:
关闭门的Y:CD - ROM驱动器        nircmd.exe CDROM密切Y:
增加2000台系统卷(满分为65535)        nircmd.exe changesysvolume 2000
减少5000个单位的系统卷(满分为65535)        nircmd.exe changesysvolume -5000
卷设置为最高值        nircmd.exe setsysvolume 65535
静音系统卷        nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 1
取消静音系统卷        nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 0
静音和正常状态之间切换的系统卷。        nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 2
您的桌面上创建一个快捷键,静音和正常状态之间切换的系统卷。        nircmd.exe cmdshortcut“~$ folder.desktop $”“开关量”mutesysvolume 2
关闭显示器        nircmd.exe监视,离开
启动默认的屏幕保护程序        nircmd.exe屏保
把您的计算机在“待机”模式        nircmd.exe待机
注销当前用户        nircmd.exe exitwin注销
询问您是否要重新启动,如果你回答“是”,重新启动计算机。        nircmd.exe qboxcom“你要重新启动吗?” “问题”exitwin重新启动
关闭您的计算机        nircmd.exe exitwin关机
关闭所有在computers.txt指定的电脑!        multiremote复制“C:\ TEMP \ computers.txt”exitwin关机力
拨号“我的互联网”连接        nircmd.exe RASDIAL“我的互联网”
断开“我的互联网”连接        nircmd.exe rashangup“我的互联网”
请您的Internet Explorer窗口透明的75%!(192 / 256)        nircmd.exe赢得反ititle“Internet Explorer的”192
最小化所有Internet Explorer窗口        nircmd.exe赢得分钟级“IEFrame”
关闭所有Internet Explorer窗口        nircmd.exe赢得密切类“IEFrame”
关闭您的所有浏览器窗口(我的电脑,文件夹等)        nircmd.exe赢得密切类“CabinetWClass”
隐藏所有Internet Explorer窗口        nircmd.exe赢得隐藏类“IEFrame”
显示所有Internet Explorer窗口(后,他们与前面的例子中隐藏)        nircmd.exe赢得展示类“IEFrame”
中心的所有顶层窗口        nircmd.exe赢得中心alltop
删除我的电脑窗口的标题栏。        nircmd.exe双赢式的标题“我的电脑”0x00C00000
返回我的电脑窗口的标题栏,我们在前面的例子中删除。        nircmd.exe WIN +风格的标题“我的电脑”0x00C00000
“我的电脑”窗口中设置从右到左的顺序(希伯来文和阿拉伯文)        nircmd WIN +扩展风格的标题“我的电脑”0x00400000
我的电脑“窗口中设置的所有子窗口从右到左的顺序(希伯来文和阿拉伯文)        nircmd赢得孩子的标题“我的电脑”+扩展风格所有0x00400000
在桌面上创建快捷方式,关闭所有Internet Explorer窗口        nircmd.exe cmdshortcut“~$ folder.desktop $”关闭所有IE“赢得密切类”IEFrame“
在桌面上创建快捷方式,隐藏所有Internet Explorer窗口        nircmd.exe cmdshortcut“~$ folder.desktop $”隐藏所有即“双赢隐藏类”IEFrame“
您的桌面上创建一个快捷方式显示所有Internet Explorer窗口        nircmd.exe cmdshortcut“~$ folder.desktop为”显示所有即“双赢展示类”IEFrame“
设置为最顶层窗口的Windows计算器(以上所有其他窗口)        nircmd.exe赢得settopmost标题“计算器”1
回到常规窗口(非最顶层窗口设置Windows计算器)        nircmd.exe赢得settopmost标题“计算器”0
开始菜单 - >程序 - >计算器下,创建一个快捷方式到Windows计算器        nircmd.exe快捷键“F:\ WINNT \ SYSTEM32 \ CALC.EXE”~$ folder.programs $ \计算器“,”Windows计算器“
隐藏桌面窗口        nircmd.exe赢得隐藏类PROGMAN
显示桌面窗口(躲藏在前面的例子后)        nircmd.exe赢得显示类PROGMAN
隐藏系统托盘上的启动按钮        nircmd.exe赢得子类“Shell_TrayWnd”隐藏类的“按钮”
显示系统托盘上的启动按钮        nircmd.exe赢得子类“Shell_TrayWnd”显示类“按钮”
隐藏系统托盘上的时钟        nircmd.exe运子类“Shell_TrayWnd”隐藏“TrayClockWClass类”
显示系统托盘上的时钟        nircmd.exe运子类“Shell_TrayWnd”显示类“TrayClockWClass”
杀死(终止)Internet Explorer进程的所有实例        nircmd.exe killprocess IEXPLORE.EXE
您的桌面上创建一个快捷方式,打开门的K:CD - ROM驱动器,当您运行它。        nircmd.exe cmdshortcut“~$ folder.desktop元”,“打开光驱”CDROM开放k:
NirSoft网站在您的桌面上创建一个快捷        nircmd.exe urlshortcut“”“~$ folder.desktop元”,“NirSoft”
添加您Favorities NirSoft网站链接文件夹下。        nircmd.exe urlshortcut“”“~$ folder.favorites $ \链接”NirSoft“
NirSoft网站在computers.txt列出的所有计算机的桌面上创建一个快捷方式        nircmd.exe multiremote复制“C:\ TEMP \ computers.txt”urlshortcut“”~$ folder.common_desktop元“,”NirSoft“
800x600x24bit颜色设置显示模式        nircmd.exe setdisplay 800 600 24
创建一个快捷方式在桌面上设置800x600x24bit颜色显示模式        nircmd.exe cmdshortcut“~$ folder.desktop $”“800x600x24”setdisplay 800 600 24
您的桌面上所有的快捷方式复制到另一个文件夹(F:\ TEMP \桌面)。        nircmd.exe execmd复制“~$ folder.desktop美元\ *. LNK”F:\ TEMP \桌面
重新启动Apache服务器(在Windows NT/2000/XP/2003)        nircmd.exe服务重新启动Apache
在您的桌面上创建一个快捷方式,重新启动Apache服务器        nircmd.exe cmdshortcut“~$ folder.desktop元”,“重新启动Apache”服务重新启动Apache
重新启动您的IIS        nircmd.exe服务重新启动W3SVC
重新启动MySQL的        nircmd.exe服务重新启动MySQL的
RegEdit中打开所需的注册表键/值        nircmd.exe REGEDIT“HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ MICROSOFT \ WINDOWS \ CURRENTVERSION”CommonFilesDir“
打开注册表项复制到剪贴板RegEdit中。        nircmd输入regedit“~$剪贴板$”
禁用屏幕保护程序        nircmd.exe regsetval SZ为“HKCU \控制面板\桌面”的“ScreenSaveActive”0
启用屏幕保护程序        nircmd.exe regsetval SZ“HKCU \控制面板\桌面”,“ScreenSaveActive”1
更改指定文件的日期/时间(创建时间和修改时间)        nircmd.exe setfiletime“C:\ TEMP \ myfile.txt的”“24-06-2003十七点57分11秒”,“22-11-2005 10时21分56秒”
您的桌面文件夹的路径复制到剪贴板        nircmd.exe剪贴板设置~$ folder.desktop美元
开始菜单文件夹的路径复制到剪贴板        nircmd.exe剪贴板设置~$ folder.start_menu $
info1.txt内容(简单的文本文件)复制到剪贴板        nircmd.exe剪贴板ReadFile的“C:\我的文件\ info1.txt”
剪贴板中的文本内容添加到info1.txt        nircmd.exe剪贴板addfile“C:\我的文件\ info1.txt”
清除剪贴板        明确nircmd.exe剪贴板
创建中指定的所有文件夹“C:\ TEMP \ folders.txt”。CRLF字符分隔的文件夹的路径名称。        nircmd.exe paramsfile“C:\ TEMP \ folders.txt”“”“”execmd MD~$ fparam.1美元
安装指定的。NET程序集在全局程序集缓存(像gacutil)        nircmd.exe GAC中安装的“C:\ TEMP \ MyAssembly的\ BIN \ MyAssembly.dll程序集”
清空回收站中的所有驱动器。        nircmd.exe emptybin
回答“是”一个标准的Windows消息框。        nircmd.exe DLG“”“”点击yes
等待2秒,然后保存当前屏幕shot.png        nircmd.exe cmdwait 2000 savescreenshot“F:\ TEMP \ shot.png”
作者: caruko    时间: 2011-9-29 11:37

作者: Batcher    时间: 2011-9-29 11:40

回复 20# caruko

作者: roosevelt122007    时间: 2015-3-25 18:40

请问下, nircmd的返回值是多少啊~
为什么我试了 win 命令, 不管窗口在不在, 执行没有,返回值都是1
作者: sheyulian    时间: 2015-3-28 13:51

作者: stipe    时间: 2015-7-31 15:44

作者: post927    时间: 2016-2-29 13:04

作者: pclygb1359    时间: 2020-1-12 12:30


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