
标题: [问题求助] [已解决]VBS提取指定内容重命名怎么写? [打印本页]
作者: xp3000 时间: 2015-6-24 08:53 标题: [已解决]VBS提取指定内容重命名怎么写?
本帖最后由 xp3000 于 2015-6-25 16:06 编辑
原文件是003.XHTML,重命名文件为第3章 小恶魔公主.XHTML- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
- <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head>
- <title>第3章 小恶魔公主</title>
- <meta name="Adept.resource"/>
- <link href="../Styles/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
- <style type="text/css">
- body{font-size:18px}
- </style>
- </head>
- <body>
- ......
作者: yu2n 时间: 2015-6-24 13:34
本帖最后由 yu2n 于 2015-6-25 08:36 编辑
VBS 批量修改HTML文件名为title值 By Yu2n.vbs- ' VBS 批量修改XHTML文件名为title值 By Yu2n.vbs
- Option Explicit
- '指定文件类型、文件编码
- Const sFileType = ".XHTML|.html|.htm"
- Const sCharset = "utf-8"
- Call CommandMode()
- Main
- Sub Main()
- '选择文件夹
- Dim strFolder, arrPath, strPath, nCount, i
- strFolder = BrowseForFolder("请选择要重命名的 " & sFileType & " 文件所在目录:")
- If strFolder = "" Then
- WScript.Echo vbCrLf & " --- 错误:没有选择文件夹。程序即将退出 ..." & vbCrLf
- Exit Sub
- End If
- '扫描文件夹
- arrPath = ScanFolder(strFolder)
- '统计个数,用于显示进度
- For Each strPath In arrPath
- If InStr(1,"|"&sFileType&"|","|."&GetExtensionName(strPath)&"|",vbTextCompare)>0 Then
- nCount=nCount+1
- End If
- Next
- '执行批量处理
- Dim dtStart, objWord : dtStart=Now() '计时
- For Each strPath In arrPath
- If InStr(1,"|"&sFileType&"|","|."&GetExtensionName(strPath)&"|",vbTextCompare)>0 Then
- i=i+1 '计数
- WScript.Echo "[" & i & "/" & nCount & "]" & strPath ' 显示进度
- Call ReNameByTitle(strPath) ' 执行替换
- End If
- Next
- '显示结果
- WScript.Echo vbCrLf & " --- 完成。总计 " & nCount & " 个文档完成操作,耗时 " _
- & DateDiff("s",dtStart,Now()) & " 秒。" & vbCrLf
- End Sub
- '重命名xml文件(依据title值)
- Function ReNameByTitle(ByVal sFile)
- ReNameByTitle = False
- Dim fso, sFp, sFx, sFn, sFf
- Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- sFp = fso.GetFile(sFile).ParentFolder
- sFx = fso.GetExtensionName(sFile)
- sFn = GetHtmlTitle(sFile)
- sFf = sFp & "\" & sFn & "." & sFx
- If sFn = "" Then Exit Function
- fso.GetFile(sFile).Move sFf
- ReNameByTitle = fso.FileExists(sFf)
- End Function
- '获取xml文件title值
- Function GetHtmlTitle(ByVal sFile)
- Dim oHtml, sHtml, oTitle
- Set oHtml = CreateObject("htmlfile")
- oHtml.DesignMode = "on" ' 开启编辑模式
- sHtml = Pfile(sFile, sCharset, "") 'sHtml = Pfile(sFile, "utf-8", "")
- oHtml.Write sHtml ' 写入数据
- Set oTitle = oHtml.getElementsByTagName("title")
- If Not oTitle Is Nothing Then GetHtmlTitle=oTitle(0).innerHTML
- End Function
- '获取文件拓展名
- Function GetExtensionName(ByVal sPath)
- Dim sFf, sFnx, sFx
- sFf = Trim(sPath)
- If sFf <> "" Then sFnx = Split(sFf, "\")(UBound(Split(sFf, "\")))
- If sFnx <> "" Then sFx = Split(sFnx, ".")(UBound(Split(sFnx, ".")))
- GetExtensionName = sFx
- End Function
- ' 浏览文件夹
- Function BrowseForFolder(ByVal strTips)
- Dim objFolder
- Set objFolder = CreateObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder (&H0, strTips, &H0010 + &H0001)
- If (Not objFolder Is Nothing) Then BrowseForFolder = objFolder.Self.Path 'objFolder.Items().Item().Path
- End Function
- ' 获取文件夹所有文件夹、文件列表(数组)
- Function ScanFolder(ByVal strFolder)
- If Right(strFolder, 1) <> "\" Then strFolder = strFolder & "\"
- Dim arrList() : ReDim Preserve arrList(0) : arrList(0) = strFolder
- Call DO_SCAN_FOLDER(arrList, strFolder) : ScanFolder = ArraySort(arrList)
- End Function
- Function DO_SCAN_FOLDER(ByRef arrList, ByVal strFolder)
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim fso, objItems, objFile, objFolder
- Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set objItems = fso.GetFolder(strFolder)
- If (Not fso.FolderExists(strFolder)) Then Exit Function
- For Each objFile In objItems.Files
- ReDim Preserve arrList(UBound(arrList) + 1)
- arrList(UBound(arrList)) = objFile.Path
- Next
- For Each objFolder In objItems.subfolders
- ReDim Preserve arrList(UBound(arrList) + 1)
- arrList(UBound(arrList)) = objFolder.Path & "\"
- Call DO_SCAN_FOLDER(arrList, objFolder.Path & "\")
- Next
- End Function
- Function ArraySort(ByVal arr)
- Dim i, j, tmp
- For i=1 To UBound(arr)
- For j=i To 1 Step -1
- If CStr(arr(j))<CStr(arr(j-1)) Then
- tmp=arr(j) : arr(j)=arr(j-1) : arr(j-1)=tmp
- End If
- Next
- Next
- ArraySort = arr
- End Function
- 'Pfile()
- '对文本指定编码进行读写操作
- '指定编码写入 Call Pfile("C:\1.txt", "utf-8", strText)
- '指定编码读取 strText = "" : Call Pfile("C:\1.txt", "utf-8", strText)
- 'FileCode: ANSI/UTF-8/Unicode/ULE/UBE/GB2312/GBK/Big5/日文EUC-JP/韩文EUC-KR
- Function Pfile(ByVal sFile, ByVal FileCode, ByRef sText)
- With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
- .Type=2 : .Mode=3 : .Charset=FileCode : .Open
- If sText="" Then
- .LoadFromFile sFile : sText=.ReadText : Pfile=sText
- Else
- .WriteText sText : .SaveToFile sFile, 2
- End If
- .Close
- End With
- End Function
- 'Command Mode
- Sub CommandMode()
- If InStr(1, WScript.FullName, "\cscript.exe", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then Exit Sub
- CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "cmd /c title " & WScript.ScriptName & _
- " & cscript //nologo """ & WScript.ScriptFullName & """ & pause", 1, False
- WScript.Quit(0)
- End Sub
作者: xp3000 时间: 2015-6-24 17:06
作者: yu2n 时间: 2015-6-24 17:19
回复 3# xp3000
作者: xp3000 时间: 2015-6-25 06:41
作者: yu2n 时间: 2015-6-25 08:01
回复 5# xp3000
修改第 10 行即可。
如 html 为:- Const sFileType = ".HTML"
htm 为复制代码
作者: xp3000 时间: 2015-6-25 08:10
作者: yu2n 时间: 2015-6-25 08:26
回复 7# xp3000
已更新。支持 .XHTML|.html|.htm ,更多的格式,自己添加。
作者: xp3000 时间: 2015-6-25 08:44
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