标题: [其他] EasyIFS分形学演示,命令行版 [打印本页]
作者: happy886rr 时间: 2017-5-3 11:42 标题: EasyIFS分形学演示,命令行版
- /*
- */
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <io.h>
- using namespace std;
- // 对VC6.0、VS2010、GCC作兼容性编译
- #if defined (__GNUC__) || (_MSC_VER == 1200)
- extern "C" HWND WINAPI GetConsoleWindow();
- #endif
- // 宏名变量定义
- #define F_EXIST 4
- #define E_WITH 640
- #define E_HIGH 480
- // 定义帮助说明
- Usage: easyifs [file]\n\
- \n\
- The probability of requiring each formula and equ 1\n\
- IFS configuration file:\n\
- \n\
- [Main]\n\
- name = IFS name\n\
- iterLimit = number of iterations\n\
- color = drawing color\n\
- minX = the lower limit of x\n\
- maxX = the upper limit of x\n\
- minY = the lower limit of y\n\
- maxY = the upper limit of y\n\
- condition = the number of formulas\n\
- [Conditionx]\n\
- p = probability\n"
- // IFS 全局参数
- struct MAIN
- {
- string name; // ifs 名称
- int iterLimit; // 迭代次数
- int color; // 绘图颜色
- double scale; // 相对绘图窗口的缩放比例
- int offsetX, offsetY; // 相对绘图窗口的偏移量
- };
- // 每个IFS公式的参数
- struct IFS
- {
- int p; // 概率
- double a, b, c, d, e, f; // IFS 公式参数
- };
- // 全局变量
- MAIN g_main;
- vector<IFS> g_ifs;
- // 从配置文件中获取 double 类型数据
- double GetPrivateProfileDouble(LPCTSTR lpAppName, LPCTSTR lpKeyName, double fDefault, LPCTSTR lpFileName)
- {
- TCHAR d[50];
- GetPrivateProfileString(lpAppName, lpKeyName, NULL, d, 50, lpFileName);
- return (d[0]!=0)?atof(d):fDefault;
- }
- // 根据配置文件初始化 IFS 系统
- int initargs(int argc, char** argv)
- {
- // 如果未指定参数,显示帮助信息
- if (argc <= 1)
- {
- fprintf(stdout, HELP_INFORMATION);
- exit(1);
- }
- // 定义变量
- double ix, ax, iy, ay, sx, sy;
- // 配置文件的文件名
- char tmpFpath[MAX_PATH*2];
- if(strrchr(argv[1], ':')==NULL)
- {
- strcpy(tmpFpath, ".\\");
- strcat(tmpFpath, argv[1]);
- }
- else
- {
- strcpy(tmpFpath, argv[1]);
- }
- char* filename=tmpFpath;
- // 如果参数指定的文件不存在或禁止访问,退出系统
- if (_access(filename, F_EXIST) != 0)
- {
- fprintf(stdout, "The file \"%s\" does not exist or is disabled.\n", argv[1]);
- exit(2);
- }
- // 获取 IFS 名称
- char tmpName[MAX_PATH*2];
- GetPrivateProfileStringA("main", "name", "noname", tmpName, 50, filename);
- g_main.name = tmpName;
- // 获取迭代次数
- g_main.iterLimit = GetPrivateProfileIntA("main", "iterLimit", 0, filename);
- // 获取绘图颜色
- g_main.color = GetPrivateProfileIntA("main", "color", 0xff00, filename);
- // 获取 x 方向上的缩放比例
- ix = GetPrivateProfileDouble("main", "minX", 0, filename);
- ax = GetPrivateProfileDouble("main", "maxX", 0, filename);
- sx = E_WITH / (ax - ix);
- // 获取 y 方向上的缩放比例
- iy = GetPrivateProfileDouble("main", "minY", 0, filename);
- ay = GetPrivateProfileDouble("main", "maxY", 0, filename);
- sy = E_HIGH / (ay - iy);
- // 根据绘图窗口尺寸,确定恰当的缩放比例及偏移量
- if (sx > sy)
- {
- g_main.scale = sy;
- g_main.offsetX = (int)(-ix * g_main.scale + (E_WITH - (ax - ix) * g_main.scale) / 2);
- g_main.offsetY = (int)(-iy * g_main.scale);
- }
- else
- {
- g_main.scale = sx;
- g_main.offsetX = (int)(-ix * g_main.scale);
- g_main.offsetY = (int)(-iy * g_main.scale + (E_HIGH - (ay - iy) * g_main.scale) / 2);
- }
- // 获取公式数量
- int n;
- n = GetPrivateProfileIntA("main", "condition", 0, filename);
- // 获取每一个公式的常数项及概率
- IFS ifs;
- int sump = 0;
- char app[] = "condition?";
- for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
- {
- app[9] = ('1' + i);
- ifs.a = GetPrivateProfileDouble(app, "a", 0, filename);
- ifs.b = GetPrivateProfileDouble(app, "b", 0, filename);
- ifs.c = GetPrivateProfileDouble(app, "c", 0, filename);
- ifs.d = GetPrivateProfileDouble(app, "d", 0, filename);
- ifs.e = GetPrivateProfileDouble(app, "e", 0, filename);
- ifs.f = GetPrivateProfileDouble(app, "f", 0, filename);
- ifs.p = int(GetPrivateProfileDouble(app, "p", 0, filename) * 1000000 + 0.5);
- ifs.p += sump;
- sump = ifs.p;
- g_ifs.push_back(ifs);
- }
- // 如果各公式的概率和不等于 1,返回错误信息
- if (sump != 1000000)
- {
- fprintf(stdout, "IFS configuration file in the probability of the formula and not equal to 1, please check the configuration file.\n");
- exit(3);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // 主函数
- int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- {
- // 初始化IFS配置
- initargs(argc, argv);
- srand(unsigned(time(NULL)));
- // 初始化图形窗口
- HWND hCMD=GetConsoleWindow();
- //刷新窗口
- InvalidateRect(hCMD, NULL, TRUE);
- HDC hDC=GetDC(hCMD);
- // 创建变量
- double x = 0, y = 0, tx;
- int p, k;
- //设置背景透明
- //设置字体颜色
- //SetTextColor(hDC, RGB(255,255,255));
- // 显示名称
- //TextOutA(hDC, 0,0, g_main.name.c_str(), strlen(g_main.name.c_str()));
- // 迭代求解
- for(int i=0; i<g_main.iterLimit; i++)
- {
- // 生成概率
- p = int(double(rand()) / RAND_MAX * 1000000 + 0.5);
- // 根据概率获取选用的公式 k
- for(k=0; k< (int)g_ifs.size(); k++)
- if (p <= g_ifs[k].p) break;
- // 根据公式 k 迭代
- tx = g_ifs[k].a * x + g_ifs[k].b * y + g_ifs[k].e;
- y = g_ifs[k].c * x + g_ifs[k].d * y + g_ifs[k].f;
- x = tx;
- // 画点(转换到屏幕坐标系)
- SetPixel(hDC, int(x * g_main.scale) + g_main.offsetX, E_HIGH - (int(y * g_main.scale) + g_main.offsetY), g_main.color);
- }
- return 0;
- }
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