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标题: 30元求助,挑选一部分图片加水印并备份原图 [打印本页]

作者: 464700366    时间: 2019-12-9 01:18     标题: 30元求助,挑选一部分图片加水印并备份原图


图片格式是jpg和png的,需要吧每个文件夹里的图片按大小排列,挑选出来文件最大的5张图 并且要确保选出来的图宽度必须大于1000像素,【目的是像素太低的图加水印影响美观】
q2089 06626
作者: flashercs    时间: 2019-12-9 08:29

本帖最后由 flashercs 于 2019-12-9 11:38 编辑

  1. <#*,:&cls
  2. @echo off
  3. pushd "%~dp0"
  4. powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command ". ([ScriptBlock]::Create((Get-Content -LiteralPath \"%~0\" -ReadCount 0 | Out-String ))) "
  5. popd
  6. pause
  7. exit /b
  8. #>
  9. # 图片文件夹列表
  10. $picDirs = "D:\image\300","D:\image"
  11. # 水印图片路径
  12. $picWatermark = "D:\image\logo.png"
  13. # 水印水平位置: Left,Center,Right
  14. $HorizontalPosition = "Center"
  15. # 水印垂直位置: Top,Center,Bottom
  16. $VerticalPosition = "Center"
  17. function Get-PictureInfo {
  18.   [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "PathSet")]
  19.   param (
  20.     [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
  21.       Position = 0,
  22.       ParameterSetName = "PathSet",
  23.       ValueFromPipeline = $true,
  24.       ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
  25.       HelpMessage = "Path to one or more locations.")]
  26.     [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
  27.     [string[]]
  28.     $Path,
  29.     [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
  30.       ParameterSetName = "LiteralPathSet",
  31.       ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
  32.       HelpMessage = "Literal path to one or more locations.")]
  33.     [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
  34.     [string[]]
  35.     $LiteralPath
  36.   )
  38.   begin {
  39.     if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Debug")) {
  40.       $DebugPreference = "Continue"
  41.     }
  43.   }
  45.   process {
  46.     $pathToProcess = if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'PathSet') {
  47.       Convert-Path -Path $Path
  48.     } else {
  49.       Convert-Path -LiteralPath $LiteralPath
  50.     }
  51.     foreach ($filePath in $pathToProcess) {
  52.       if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $filePath -PathType Container) {
  53.         continue
  54.       }
  55.       try {
  56.         $bitmap = New-Object "System.Drawing.Bitmap" -ArgumentList $filePath
  57.       } catch {
  58.         $filePath, $Error[0] | Out-String | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red
  59.         continue
  60.       }
  61.       New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
  62.         FilePath    = $filepath
  63.         Width       = $bitmap.Width
  64.         Height      = $bitmap.Height
  65.         PixelFormat = $bitmap.PixelFormat
  66.       }
  67.       $bitmap.Dispose()
  68.     }
  69.   }
  70. }
  71. function Add-WaterMark {
  72.   param (
  73.     [string]$ImageSource,
  74.     [string]$ImageWatermark,
  75.     [ValidateSet('Left', 'Center', 'Right')]
  76.     [string]$HorizontalPosition = 'Center',
  77.     [ValidateSet('Top', 'Center', 'Bottom')]
  78.     [string]$VerticalPosition = 'Center'
  79.   )
  80.   $tmppic = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() + [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($ImageSource)
  81.   try {
  82.     $image = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($ImageSource)
  83.     $watermark = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($ImageWatermark)
  84.     $gfx = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($image)
  85.     $waterbrush = New-Object System.Drawing.TextureBrush -ArgumentList $watermark
  86.     switch ($HorizontalPosition) {
  87.       'Left' { [int]$x = 0 }
  88.       'Center' { [int]$x = [math]::Floor(($image.Width - $watermark.Width) / 2) }
  89.       'Right' { [int]$x = $image.Width - $watermark.Width }
  90.     }
  91.     switch ($VerticalPosition) {
  92.       'Top' { [int]$y = 0 }
  93.       'Center' { [int]$y = [math]::Floor(($image.Height - $watermark.Height) / 2) }
  94.       'Bottom' { [int]$y = $image.Height - $watermark.Height }
  95.     }
  97.     $waterbrush.TranslateTransform($x, $y)
  98.     $gfx.FillRectangle($waterbrush, (New-Object System.Drawing.Rectangle -ArgumentList @((New-Object System.Drawing.Point -ArgumentList $x, $y), $watermark.Size)))
  99.     $image.Save($tmppic)
  100.   } finally {
  101.     if ($image) {
  102.       $image.Dispose()
  103.     }
  104.     if ($watermark) {
  105.       $watermark.Dispose()
  106.     }
  107.     if ($gfx) {
  108.       $gfx.Dispose()
  109.     }
  110.     if ($waterbrush) {
  111.       $waterbrush.Dispose()
  112.     }
  113.     Move-Item -LiteralPath $tmppic -Destination $ImageSource -Force
  114.   }
  115. }
  116. Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
  117. foreach ($picDir in $picDirs) {
  118.   $backupdir = "$picDir\备份"
  119.   if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $backupdir)) {
  120.     New-Item -Path $backupdir -ItemType Directory
  121.   }
  122.   Get-Item -Path $picDir\* -Include *.png, *.jpg -OutBuffer 10 | Get-PictureInfo | Where-Object { $_.Width -ge 1000 } | `
  123.     Sort-Object -Property Width, Height -Descending | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FilePath -First 2 | ForEach-Object {
  124.     Copy-Item -LiteralPath $_ -Destination $backupdir -Verbose
  125.     '添加水印: ' + $_ | Out-Host
  126.     Add-WaterMark -ImageSource $_ -ImageWatermark $picWatermark -HorizontalPosition $HorizontalPosition -VerticalPosition $VerticalPosition
  127.   }
  128. }

作者: zaqmlp    时间: 2019-12-9 10:34

本帖最后由 zaqmlp 于 2019-12-9 18:27 编辑,6.9.2-6/convert.exe 下载该命令并跟bat和多个文件夹放一起
  1. /*&cls
  2. @echo off
  3. mode con lines=3000
  4. set info=互助互利,支付宝扫码头像,感谢打赏
  5. rem 有问题,可加QQ956535081及时沟通
  6. title %info%
  7. set "rootpath=%~dp0"
  8. set "rootpath=%rootpath:~,-1%"
  9. cd /d "%rootpath%"
  10. rem 备份文件夹
  11. set "newfolder=.\备份"
  12. rem 数量
  13. set count=5
  14. rem 最小宽度
  15. set width=1000
  16. rem 水印文件
  17. set "logofile=.\xxx.png"
  18. rem 水印位置,1为左上角,2为右上角,3为左下角,4为右下角
  19. set direction=2
  20. if not exist "convert.exe" (echo;"convert.exe" not found&goto end)
  21. if not exist "%logofile%" (echo;"%logofile%" not found&goto end)
  22. set gravity=northwest
  23. if "%direction%" equ "2" set gravity=northeast
  24. if "%direction%" equ "3" set gravity=southwest
  25. if "%direction%" equ "4" set gravity=southeast
  26. for /f "tokens=1* delims=|" %%a in ('dir /a-d/b/s *.jpg *.png 2^>nul^|cscript -nologo -e:jscript "%~f0" %count% %width% "%rootpath%"') do (
  27.     echo;".%%a%%b"
  28.     if not exist "%newfolder%%%a" md "%newfolder%%%a"
  29.     copy /y ".%%a%%b" "%newfolder%%%a"
  30.     "convert.exe" ".%%a%%b" "%logofile%" -gravity %gravity% -geometry +5+5 -composite ".%%a%%b"
  31. )
  32. :end
  33. echo;%info%
  34. pause
  35. exit
  36. */
  37. var sa=new ActiveXObject('Shell.Application');
  38. var fso=new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject');
  39. var w=0,objFolder=sa.NameSpace(0);
  40. for(var i=0; i<350; i++){if(objFolder.GetDetailsOf(null, i) == '尺寸'){w=i;break;}}
  41. if(w==0){WSH.echo('failed to identify');WSH.Quit();}
  42. var files={};
  43. while(!WSH.StdIn.AtEndOfStream){
  44.     var line=WSH.StdIn.ReadLine();
  45.     var file=fso.GetFile(line);
  46.     var fpath=file.ParentFolder.Path;
  47.     if(files[fpath]==undefined){
  48.         files[fpath]=[];
  49.     }
  50.     var fwidth=getwidth(file);var fsize=file.Size;
  51.     if(Number(fwidth) >= Number(WSH.Arguments(1))){
  52.         files[fpath].push(file.Name+'|'+fsize.toString());
  53.     }
  54. }
  55. for(var it in files){
  56.     if(files[it].length >0){
  57.         files[it].sort(function(a,b){
  58.             return Number(b.split('|')[1]) - Number(a.split('|')[1]);
  59.         });
  60.         var n=0;
  61.         for(var i=0;i<files[it].length;i++){
  62.             WSH.echo(it.replace(WSH.Arguments(2), '')+'\\|'+files[it][i].split('|')[0]);
  63.             n++;
  64.             if(n >= Number(WSH.Arguments(0))){break;}
  65.         }
  66.     }
  67. }
  68. function getwidth(f){
  69.     var fw=0;
  70.     var objFolder=sa.Namespace(f.ParentFolder.Path);
  71.     var objItem=objFolder.ParseName(f.Name);
  72.     fw=objFolder.GetDetailsOf(objItem, w).match(/\d+/)[0];
  73.     return fw;
  74. }

作者: WHY    时间: 2019-12-9 15:37

本帖最后由 WHY 于 2019-12-10 00:07 编辑

  1. function Add-WaterMark([string]$strFile){
  2.     $Text = (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy年MM月dd日 HH:mm:ss');                #水印文字:当前日期字符串
  3.     [int]$FontSize = 20;                                                   #字体大小
  4.     [int]$Margin = 1;                                                      #字边距
  5.     [float]$Alpha = 0.4;                                                   #透明度:[0.1~1.0]
  6.     $Color = [Drawing.Color]::FromArgb([int](256*$Alpha),255,255,255);     #水印颜色:白色
  7.     $FontFamily = 'Arial';                                                 #字体名称:Arial
  8.     $FontStyle = [Drawing.FontStyle]::Italic;                              #字体风格:斜体
  9.     $image = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($strFile);
  10.     $graph = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($image);
  11.     $font  = New-Object System.Drawing.Font($FontFamily, $FontSize, $FontStyle);
  12.     $textSize = $graph.MeasureString($Text, $font).ToPointF();
  13.     $pointF = New-Object System.Drawing.PointF;
  14.     $pointF.X = $image.Width - $Margin - $textSize.X;
  15.     $pointF.Y = $image.Height - $Margin - $textSize.Y;
  16.     $graph.DrawString($Text, $font, [System.Drawing.SolidBrush]$Color, $pointF);
  17.     $image.Save($strFile + '.tmp');
  18.     $graph.Dispose();
  19.     $image.Dispose();
  20.     mv -Literal ($strFile + '.tmp') -Dest $strFile -Force;
  21. }
  22. function Get-ImageInfo([string]$strFile){
  23.     $image = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($strFile);
  24.     [int]$width = $image.Width;
  25.     [int]$height = $image.Height;
  26.     $image.Dispose();
  27.     return @($width, $height);
  28. }
  29. $ImgFolder = 'D:\Picture';                #存放源图片的文件夹
  30. $BakFolder = 'D:\Backup';                 #备份文件夹
  31. [void][Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Drawing');
  32. $PSObj = dir -Literal $ImgFolder -Recurse | ?{$_ -is [IO.FileInfo] -and $_.Extension -match '^\.(jpg|png)$'} | forEach{
  33.     $arr = Get-ImageInfo $_.FullName;     #图片宽度和高度
  34.     if( $arr[0] -gt 1000 ){
  35.         New-Object PSObject -Property @{ fp = $_.FullName; sz = $arr[0] * $arr[1] };
  36.     }
  37. }
  38. $PSObj | sort sz -Desc | group {[IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($_.fp)} | forEach{
  39.     $newFolder = $BakFolder + $_.Name.SubString($ImgFolder.Length);
  40.     if( ![IO.Directory]::Exists($newFolder) ){ $null = md $newFolder; }
  41.     $_.Group | select -first 5 | forEach {
  42.         copy -Literal $_.fp -Dest $newFolder -Force;
  43.         Add-WaterMark $_.fp;              #添加水印
  44.     }
  45. }

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