
标题: [原创] 由纯 VBScript 编写的 Lisp 语言解释器 - MAL.VBS [打印本页]
作者: 老刘1号 时间: 2023-1-30 12:21 标题: 由纯 VBScript 编写的 Lisp 语言解释器 - MAL.VBS
本帖最后由 老刘1号 于 2024-7-2 10:09 编辑
项目描述- 一个学习、练习编写解释器,加深对语言特性理解的开源学习项目。
- 目标是让每一个学习者从头编写一个支持函数作为一等公民、闭包、尾递归优化、垃圾收集、宏、错误处理、元数据的类 Clojure 的 Lisp 方言解释器。
- 解释器需要内置整数、列表、向量、哈希表、字符串、可变原⼦、符号、函数等数据类型。
项目职责- 完成了首个使用 VBScript 语言的解释器实现。
- VBScript 实现中已 Self-Hosting、且通过全部测试,手写代码约五千行。
- 正在尝试实现首个使用批处理语言的实现。
问题1:解释器要求实现闭包、但 VBScript 语言本身不支持闭包。- 整体思路:使用 VBScript 已有的类模拟闭包。
- 数据结构:使用一个类似并查集的孩子指向父亲结点的多叉树来表示语言中的环境帧。
- 算法思路:查找变量绑定时首先在当前帧中查找,若无法找到则继续向父级帧中递归查找。
问题2:需要实现尾递归优化。- 需求来源:MAL 语言中使用递归实现迭代(无传统语言中的循环结构),不进行优化就会造成空间浪费甚至栈溢出。
- 尾递归:对函数自身的调用是函数执行的最后一步,之后会返回到上一层栈帧。
- 优化目标:确保尾递归场景出现时调用栈不累加。
- 优化思路:使用惰性求值方式,切换函数调用和返回结果的顺序,先移除当前栈帧再进行下次迭代。
问题3:在封装 MAL 的各种数据类型中需要对统一接口做出抽象。- 需求来源:封装接口就可以用一套逻辑进行统一处理,不必为每个数据类型编写独立的、单独的逻辑。增强了代码的健壮性。
- 遇到障碍:VBScript 语言对面向对象的支持非常有限,没有接口、继承、多态特性。
- 解决思路:VBScript 是动态类型语言,只要在各种数据类型的类中定义相同的属性和方法,就可以模拟接口、继承和多态。
问题4:批处理对字符串封装不足、处理困难。- 需求来源:批处理只支持单行千字以内的字符串,处理特殊字符困难。
- 解决思路(特殊字符):定义一套符号替换逻辑,预先将符号替换为其它字符串,执行完成后再替换回符号本身。
- 解决思路(单行限制):通过抽象一套字符串数组实现模拟多行字符串支持,数组的每一个元素代表实际的一行字符。
- 一些思考:替换操作导致了额外的性能开销,是否有更好的方式?
问题5:批处理难以对复杂逻辑进行抽象。- 需求来源:批处理中没有函数概念,只有标号、跳转和简单的过程调用。
- 解决思路:构造一个全局栈,模拟函数栈帧。使用全局栈完成参数传递、备份、返回值传递的需求。
- 一些思考:是否可以不借助函数这层抽象就完成项目实现?
印象深刻的 BUGs- 由于 VBScript 默认为按地址传递参数,导致修改函数实参时影响到调用者传入变量的值。
- 在异常捕获语句块中再次抛出异常,逻辑上处理有误导致项目奔溃。
一些开放性问题- 代码简洁和运行效率之间如何取舍?
- 引入函数作为一等公民、闭包对语言复杂性、性能有何影响?
- 舍弃循环,统一使用递归实现迭代,真的合理吗?
- 在有复杂逻辑的项目中如何进行高效的 Debug?
项目地址- ' mal.vbs
- ' A MAL (Lisp) Language Interpreter witten in VBScript
- ' Code by OldLiu (632171029@qq.com)
- ' https://github.com/kanaka/mal
- ' https://github.com/OldLiu001/mal/tree/master/impls/vbs
- Option Explicit
- CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
- Const strHost = "CSCRIPT.EXE" 'WSCRIPT
- If Not UCase(Right(WScript.FullName,11)) = UCase(strHost) Then
- Dim Args,Arg
- For Each Arg in Wscript.Arguments
- Args=Args&Chr(&H20)&Chr(&H22)&Arg&Chr(&H22)
- Next
- CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run _
- strHost&Chr(&H20)&Chr(&H22)&WScript.ScriptFullName&Chr(&H22)&Args
- WScript.Quit
- End If
- Set TYPES = New MalTypes
- Class MalTypes
- Public [TypeName]
- Private Sub Class_Initialize
- [TypeName] = Array( _
- Dim i
- For i = 0 To UBound([TypeName])
- Execute "[" + [TypeName](i) + "] = " + CStr(i)
- Next
- End Sub
- End Class
- Class MalType
- Public [Type]
- Public Value
- Private varMeta
- Public Property Get MetaData()
- If IsEmpty(varMeta) Then
- Set MetaData = NewMalNil()
- Else
- Set MetaData = varMeta
- End If
- End Property
- Public Property Set MetaData(objMeta)
- Set varMeta = objMeta
- End Property
- Public Function Copy()
- Set Copy = NewMalType([Type], Value)
- End Function
- Public Function Init(lngType, varValue)
- [Type] = lngType
- Value = varValue
- End Function
- End Class
- Function NewMalType(lngType, varValue)
- Dim varResult
- Set varResult = New MalType
- varResult.Init lngType, varValue
- Set NewMalType = varResult
- End Function
- Function NewMalBool(varValue)
- Set NewMalBool = NewMalType(TYPES.BOOLEAN, varValue)
- End Function
- Function NewMalNil()
- Set NewMalNil = NewMalType(TYPES.NIL, Empty)
- End Function
- Function NewMalKwd(varValue)
- Set NewMalKwd = NewMalType(TYPES.KEYWORD, varValue)
- End Function
- Function NewMalStr(varValue)
- Set NewMalStr = NewMalType(TYPES.STRING, varValue)
- End Function
- Function NewMalNum(varValue)
- Set NewMalNum = NewMalType(TYPES.NUMBER, varValue)
- End Function
- Function NewMalSym(varValue)
- Set NewMalSym = NewMalType(TYPES.SYMBOL, varValue)
- End Function
- Class MalAtom
- Public [Type]
- Public Value
- Private varMeta
- Public Property Get MetaData()
- If IsEmpty(varMeta) Then
- Set MetaData = NewMalNil()
- Else
- Set MetaData = varMeta
- End If
- End Property
- Public Property Set MetaData(objMeta)
- Set varMeta = objMeta
- End Property
- Public Function Copy()
- Set Copy = NewMalAtom(Value)
- End Function
- Public Sub Reset(objMal)
- Set Value = objMal
- End Sub
- Private Sub Class_Initialize
- [Type] = TYPES.ATOM
- End Sub
- End Class
- Function NewMalAtom(varValue)
- Dim varRes
- Set varRes = New MalAtom
- varRes.Reset varValue
- Set NewMalAtom = varRes
- End Function
- Class MalList ' Extends MalType
- Public [Type]
- Public Value
- Private varMeta
- Public Property Get MetaData()
- If IsEmpty(varMeta) Then
- Set MetaData = NewMalNil()
- Else
- Set MetaData = varMeta
- End If
- End Property
- Public Property Set MetaData(objMeta)
- Set varMeta = objMeta
- End Property
- Public Function Copy()
- Set Copy = New MalList
- Set Copy.Value = Value
- End Function
- Private Sub Class_Initialize
- [Type] = TYPES.LIST
- Set Value = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
- End Sub
- Public Function Init(arrValues)
- Dim i
- For i = 0 To UBound(arrValues)
- Add arrValues(i)
- Next
- End Function
- Public Function Add(objMalType)
- Value.Add objMalType
- End Function
- Public Property Get Item(i)
- Set Item = Value.Item(i)
- End Property
- Public Property Let Item(i, varValue)
- Value.Item(i) = varValue
- End Property
- Public Property Set Item(i, varValue)
- Set Value.Item(i) = varValue
- End Property
- Public Function Count()
- Count = Value.Count
- End Function
- End Class
- Function NewMalList(arrValues)
- Dim varResult
- Set varResult = New MalList
- varResult.Init arrValues
- Set NewMalList = varResult
- End Function
- Class MalVector ' Extends MalType
- Public [Type]
- Public Value
- Private varMeta
- Public Property Get MetaData()
- If IsEmpty(varMeta) Then
- Set MetaData = NewMalNil()
- Else
- Set MetaData = varMeta
- End If
- End Property
- Public Property Set MetaData(objMeta)
- Set varMeta = objMeta
- End Property
- Public Function Copy()
- Set Copy = New MalVector
- Set Copy.Value = Value
- End Function
- Private Sub Class_Initialize
- Set Value = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
- End Sub
- Public Function Init(arrValues)
- Dim i
- For i = 0 To UBound(arrValues)
- Add arrValues(i)
- Next
- End Function
- Public Function Add(objMalType)
- Value.Add objMalType
- End Function
- Public Property Get Item(i)
- Set Item = Value.Item(i)
- End Property
- Public Property Let Item(i, varValue)
- Value.Item(i) = varValue
- End Property
- Public Property Set Item(i, varValue)
- Set Value.Item(i) = varValue
- End Property
- Public Function Count()
- Count = Value.Count
- End Function
- End Class
- Function NewMalVec(arrValues)
- Dim varResult
- Set varResult = New MalVector
- varResult.Init arrValues
- Set NewMalVec = varResult
- End Function
- Class MalHashmap 'Extends MalType
- Public [Type]
- Public Value
- Private varMeta
- Public Property Get MetaData()
- If IsEmpty(varMeta) Then
- Set MetaData = NewMalNil()
- Else
- Set MetaData = varMeta
- End If
- End Property
- Public Property Set MetaData(objMeta)
- Set varMeta = objMeta
- End Property
- Public Function Copy()
- Set Copy = New MalHashmap
- Set Copy.Value = Value
- End Function
- Private Sub Class_Initialize
- Set Value = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
- End Sub
- Public Function Init(arrKeys, arrValues)
- Dim i
- For i = 0 To UBound(arrKeys)
- Add arrKeys(i), arrValues(i)
- Next
- End Function
- Private Function M2S(objKey)
- Dim varRes
- Select Case objKey.Type
- varRes = "S" + objKey.Value
- varRes = "K" + objKey.Value
- Case Else
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MalHashmap", "Unexpect key type."
- End Select
- M2S = varRes
- End Function
- Private Function S2M(strKey)
- Dim varRes
- Select Case Left(strKey, 1)
- Case "S"
- Set varRes = NewMalStr(Right(strKey, Len(strKey) - 1))
- Case "K"
- Set varRes = NewMalKwd(Right(strKey, Len(strKey) - 1))
- Case Else
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MalHashmap", "Unexpect key type."
- End Select
- Set S2M = varRes
- End Function
- Public Function Add(varKey, varValue)
- If varKey.Type <> TYPES.STRING And _
- varKey.Type <> TYPES.KEYWORD Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MalHashmap", "Unexpect key type."
- End If
- Set Value.Item(M2S(varKey)) = varValue
- 'Value.Add M2S(varKey), varValue
- End Function
- Public Property Get Keys()
- Dim aKeys
- aKeys = Value.Keys
- Dim aRes()
- ReDim aRes(UBound(aKeys))
- Dim i
- For i = 0 To UBound(aRes)
- Set aRes(i) = S2M(aKeys(i))
- Next
- Keys = aRes
- End Property
- Public Function Count()
- Count = Value.Count
- End Function
- Public Property Get Item(i)
- Set Item = Value.Item(M2S(i))
- End Property
- Public Function Exists(varKey)
- If varKey.Type <> TYPES.STRING And _
- varKey.Type <> TYPES.KEYWORD Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MalHashmap", "Unexpect key type."
- End If
- Exists = Value.Exists(M2S(varKey))
- End Function
- Public Property Let Item(i, varValue)
- Value.Item(M2S(i)) = varValue
- End Property
- Public Property Set Item(i, varValue)
- Set Value.Item(M2S(i)) = varValue
- End Property
- End Class
- Function NewMalMap(arrKeys, arrValues)
- Dim varResult
- Set varResult = New MalHashmap
- varResult.Init arrKeys, arrValues
- Set NewMalMap = varResult
- End Function
- Class VbsProcedure 'Extends MalType
- Public [Type]
- Public Value
- Public IsMacro
- Public boolSpec
- Public MetaData
- Private Sub Class_Initialize
- IsMacro = False
- Set MetaData = NewMalNil()
- End Sub
- Public Property Get IsSpecial()
- IsSpecial = boolSpec
- End Property
- Public Function Init(objFunction, boolIsSpec)
- Set Value = objFunction
- boolSpec = boolIsSpec
- End Function
- Public Function Apply(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varResult
- If boolSpec Then
- Set varResult = Value(objArgs, objEnv)
- Else
- Set varResult = Value(EvaluateRest(objArgs, objEnv), objEnv)
- End If
- Set Apply = varResult
- End Function
- Public Function ApplyWithoutEval(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varResult
- Set varResult = Value(objArgs, objEnv)
- Set ApplyWithoutEval = varResult
- End Function
- Public Function Copy()
- Dim varRes
- Set varRes = New VbsProcedure
- varRes.Type = [Type]
- Set varRes.Value = Value
- varRes.IsMacro = IsMacro
- varRes.boolSpec = boolSpec
- Set Copy = varRes
- End Function
- End Class
- Function NewVbsProc(strFnName, boolSpec)
- Dim varResult
- Set varResult = New VbsProcedure
- varResult.Init GetRef(strFnName), boolSpec
- Set NewVbsProc = varResult
- End Function
- Class MalProcedure 'Extends MalType
- Public [Type]
- Public Value
- Public IsMacro
- Public Property Get IsSpecial()
- IsSpecial = False
- End Property
- Public MetaData
- Private Sub Class_Initialize
- IsMacro = False
- Set MetaData = NewMalNil()
- End Sub
- Public objParams, objCode, objSavedEnv
- Public Function Init(objP, objC, objE)
- Set objParams = objP
- Set objCode = objC
- Set objSavedEnv = objE
- End Function
- Public Function Apply(objArgs, objEnv)
- If IsMacro Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MalProcedureApply", "Not a procedure."
- End If
- Dim varRet
- Dim objNewEnv
- Set objNewEnv = NewEnv(objSavedEnv)
- Dim i
- i = 0
- Dim objList
- While i < objParams.Count
- If objParams.Item(i).Value = "&" Then
- If objParams.Count - 1 = i + 1 Then
- Set objList = NewMalList(Array())
- objNewEnv.Add objParams.Item(i + 1), objList
- While i + 1 < objArgs.Count
- objList.Add Evaluate(objArgs.Item(i + 1), objEnv)
- i = i + 1
- Wend
- i = objParams.Count ' Break While
- Else
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MalProcedureApply", "Invalid parameter(s)."
- End If
- Else
- If i + 1 >= objArgs.Count Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MalProcedureApply", "Need more arguments."
- End If
- objNewEnv.Add objParams.Item(i), _
- Evaluate(objArgs.Item(i + 1), objEnv)
- i = i + 1
- End If
- Wend
- Set varRet = EvalLater(objCode, objNewEnv)
- Set Apply = varRet
- End Function
- Public Function MacroApply(objArgs, objEnv)
- If Not IsMacro Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MalMacroApply", "Not a macro."
- End If
- Dim varRet
- Dim objNewEnv
- Set objNewEnv = NewEnv(objSavedEnv)
- Dim i
- i = 0
- Dim objList
- While i < objParams.Count
- If objParams.Item(i).Value = "&" Then
- If objParams.Count - 1 = i + 1 Then
- Set objList = NewMalList(Array())
- ' No evaluation
- objNewEnv.Add objParams.Item(i + 1), objList
- While i + 1 < objArgs.Count
- objList.Add objArgs.Item(i + 1)
- i = i + 1
- Wend
- i = objParams.Count ' Break While
- Else
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MalMacroApply", "Invalid parameter(s)."
- End If
- Else
- If i + 1 >= objArgs.Count Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MalMacroApply", "Need more arguments."
- End If
- ' No evaluation
- objNewEnv.Add objParams.Item(i), _
- objArgs.Item(i + 1)
- i = i + 1
- End If
- Wend
- ' EvalLater -> Evaluate
- Set varRet = Evaluate(objCode, objNewEnv)
- Set MacroApply = varRet
- End Function
- Public Function ApplyWithoutEval(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRet
- Dim objNewEnv
- Set objNewEnv = NewEnv(objSavedEnv)
- Dim i
- i = 0
- Dim objList
- While i < objParams.Count
- If objParams.Item(i).Value = "&" Then
- If objParams.Count - 1 = i + 1 Then
- Set objList = NewMalList(Array())
- ' No evaluation
- objNewEnv.Add objParams.Item(i + 1), objList
- While i + 1 < objArgs.Count
- objList.Add objArgs.Item(i + 1)
- i = i + 1
- Wend
- i = objParams.Count ' Break While
- Else
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MalMacroApply", "Invalid parameter(s)."
- End If
- Else
- If i + 1 >= objArgs.Count Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MalMacroApply", "Need more arguments."
- End If
- ' No evaluation
- objNewEnv.Add objParams.Item(i), _
- objArgs.Item(i + 1)
- i = i + 1
- End If
- Wend
- ' EvalLater -> Evaluate
- Set varRet = Evaluate(objCode, objNewEnv)
- Set ApplyWithoutEval = varRet
- End Function
- Public Function Copy()
- Dim varRes
- Set varRes = New MalProcedure
- varRes.Type = [Type]
- varRes.Value = Value
- varRes.IsMacro = IsMacro
- Set varRes.objParams = objParams
- Set varRes.objCode = objCode
- Set varRes.objSavedEnv = objSavedEnv
- Set Copy = varRes
- End Function
- End Class
- Function NewMalProc(objParams, objCode, objEnv)
- Dim varRet
- Set varRet = New MalProcedure
- varRet.Init objParams, objCode, objEnv
- Set NewMalProc = varRet
- End Function
- Function NewMalMacro(objParams, objCode, objEnv)
- Dim varRet
- Set varRet = New MalProcedure
- varRet.Init objParams, objCode, objEnv
- varRet.IsMacro = True
- Set NewMalProc = varRet
- End Function
- Function SetMeta(objMal, objMeta)
- Dim varRes
- Set varRes = objMal.Copy
- Set varRes.MetaData = objMeta
- Set SetMeta = varRes
- End Function
- Function GetMeta(objMal)
- Set GetMeta = objMal.MetaData
- End Function
- Function ReadString(strCode)
- Dim objTokens
- Set objTokens = Tokenize(strCode)
- Set ReadString = ReadForm(objTokens)
- If Not objTokens.AtEnd() Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "ReadForm", "extra token '" + objTokens.Current() + "'."
- End If
- End Function
- Class Tokens
- Private objQueue
- Private objRE
- Private Sub Class_Initialize
- Set objRE = New RegExp
- With objRE
- .Pattern = "[\s,]*" + _
- "(" + _
- "~@" + "|" + _
- "[\[\]{}()'`~^@]" + "|" + _
- """(?:\\.|[^\\""])*""?" + "|" + _
- ";.*" + "|" + _
- "[^\s\[\]{}('""`,;)]*" + _
- ")"
- .IgnoreCase = True
- .Global = True
- End With
- Set objQueue = CreateObject("System.Collections.Queue")
- End Sub
- Public Function Init(strCode)
- Dim objMatches, objMatch
- Set objMatches = objRE.Execute(strCode)
- Dim strToken
- For Each objMatch In objMatches
- strToken = Trim(objMatch.SubMatches(0))
- If Not (Left(strToken, 1) = ";" Or strToken = "") Then
- objQueue.Enqueue strToken
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- Public Function Current()
- Current = objQueue.Peek()
- End Function
- Public Function MoveToNext()
- MoveToNext = objQueue.Dequeue()
- End Function
- Public Function AtEnd()
- AtEnd = (objQueue.Count = 0)
- End Function
- Public Function Count()
- Count = objQueue.Count
- End Function
- End Class
- Function Tokenize(strCode) ' Return objTokens
- Dim varResult
- Set varResult = New Tokens
- varResult.Init strCode
- Set Tokenize = varResult
- End Function
- Function ReadForm(objTokens) ' Return Nothing / MalType
- If objTokens.AtEnd() Then
- Set ReadForm = Nothing
- Exit Function
- End If
- Dim strToken
- strToken = objTokens.Current()
- Dim varResult
- If InStr("([{", strToken) Then
- Select Case strToken
- Case "("
- Set varResult = ReadList(objTokens)
- Case "["
- Set varResult = ReadVector(objTokens)
- Case "{"
- Set varResult = ReadHashmap(objTokens)
- End Select
- ElseIf InStr("'`~@", strToken) Then
- Set varResult = ReadSpecial(objTokens)
- ElseIf InStr(")]}", strToken) Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "ReadForm", "unbalanced parentheses."
- ElseIf strToken = "^" Then
- Set varResult = ReadMetadata(objTokens)
- Else
- Set varResult = ReadAtom(objTokens)
- End If
- Set ReadForm = varResult
- End Function
- Function ReadMetadata(objTokens)
- Dim varResult
- Call objTokens.MoveToNext()
- Dim objTemp
- Set objTemp = ReadForm(objTokens)
- Set varResult = NewMalList(Array( _
- NewMalSym("with-meta"), _
- ReadForm(objTokens), objTemp))
- Set ReadMetadata = varResult
- End Function
- Function ReadSpecial(objTokens)
- Dim varResult
- Dim strToken, strAlias
- strToken = objTokens.Current()
- Select Case strToken
- Case "'"
- strAlias = "quote"
- Case "`"
- strAlias = "quasiquote"
- Case "~"
- strAlias = "unquote"
- Case "~@"
- strAlias = "splice-unquote"
- Case "@"
- strAlias = "deref"
- Case Else
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "ReadSpecial", "unknown token '" & strAlias & "'."
- End Select
- Call objTokens.MoveToNext()
- Set varResult = NewMalList(Array( _
- NewMalSym(strAlias), _
- ReadForm(objTokens)))
- Set ReadSpecial = varResult
- End Function
- Function ReadList(objTokens)
- Dim varResult
- Call objTokens.MoveToNext()
- If objTokens.AtEnd() Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "ReadList", "unbalanced parentheses."
- End If
- Set varResult = NewMalList(Array())
- With varResult
- While objTokens.Count() > 1 And objTokens.Current() <> ")"
- .Add ReadForm(objTokens)
- Wend
- End With
- If objTokens.MoveToNext() <> ")" Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "ReadList", "unbalanced parentheses."
- End If
- Set ReadList = varResult
- End Function
- Function ReadVector(objTokens)
- Dim varResult
- Call objTokens.MoveToNext()
- If objTokens.AtEnd() Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "ReadVector", "unbalanced parentheses."
- End If
- Set varResult = NewMalVec(Array())
- With varResult
- While objTokens.Count() > 1 And objTokens.Current() <> "]"
- .Add ReadForm(objTokens)
- Wend
- End With
- If objTokens.MoveToNext() <> "]" Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "ReadVector", "unbalanced parentheses."
- End If
- Set ReadVector = varResult
- End Function
- Function ReadHashmap(objTokens)
- Dim varResult
- Call objTokens.MoveToNext()
- If objTokens.Count = 0 Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "ReadHashmap", "unbalanced parentheses."
- End If
- Set varResult = NewMalMap(Array(), Array())
- Dim objKey, objValue
- With varResult
- While objTokens.Count > 2 And objTokens.Current() <> "}"
- Set objKey = ReadForm(objTokens)
- Set objValue = ReadForm(objTokens)
- .Add objKey, objValue
- Wend
- End With
- If objTokens.MoveToNext() <> "}" Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "ReadHashmap", "unbalanced parentheses."
- End If
- Set ReadHashmap = varResult
- End Function
- Function ReadAtom(objTokens)
- Dim varResult
- Dim strAtom
- strAtom = objTokens.MoveToNext()
- Select Case strAtom
- Case "true"
- Set varResult = NewMalBool(True)
- Case "false"
- Set varResult = NewMalBool(False)
- Case "nil"
- Set varResult = NewMalNil()
- Case Else
- Select Case Left(strAtom, 1)
- Case ":"
- Set varResult = NewMalKwd(strAtom)
- Case """"
- Set varResult = NewMalStr(ParseString(strAtom))
- Case Else
- If IsNumeric(strAtom) Then
- Set varResult = NewMalNum(Eval(strAtom))
- Else
- Set varResult = NewMalSym(strAtom)
- End If
- End Select
- End Select
- Set ReadAtom = varResult
- End Function
- Function ParseString(strRaw)
- If Right(strRaw, 1) <> """" Or Len(strRaw) < 2 Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "ParseString", "unterminated string, got EOF."
- End If
- Dim strTemp
- strTemp = Mid(strRaw, 2, Len(strRaw) - 2)
- Dim i
- i = 1
- ParseString = ""
- While i <= Len(strTemp) - 1
- Select Case Mid(strTemp, i, 2)
- Case "\\"
- ParseString = ParseString & "\"
- Case "\n"
- ParseString = ParseString & vbCrLf
- Case "\"""
- ParseString = ParseString & """"
- Case Else
- ParseString = ParseString & Mid(strTemp, i, 1)
- i = i - 1
- End Select
- i = i + 2
- Wend
- If i <= Len(strTemp) Then
- ' Last char is not processed.
- If Right(strTemp, 1) <> "\" Then
- ParseString = ParseString & Right(strTemp, 1)
- Else
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "ParseString", "unterminated string, got EOF."
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Function PrintMalType(objMal, boolReadable)
- Dim varResult
- varResult = ""
- If TypeName(objMal) = "Nothing" Then
- PrintMalType = ""
- Exit Function
- End If
- Dim i
- Select Case objMal.Type
- With objMal
- For i = 0 To .Count - 2
- varResult = varResult & _
- PrintMalType(.Item(i), boolReadable) & " "
- Next
- If .Count > 0 Then
- varResult = varResult & _
- PrintMalType(.Item(.Count - 1), boolReadable)
- End If
- End With
- varResult = "(" & varResult & ")"
- With objMal
- For i = 0 To .Count - 2
- varResult = varResult & _
- PrintMalType(.Item(i), boolReadable) & " "
- Next
- If .Count > 0 Then
- varResult = varResult & _
- PrintMalType(.Item(.Count - 1), boolReadable)
- End If
- End With
- varResult = "[" & varResult & "]"
- With objMal
- Dim arrKeys
- arrKeys = .Keys
- For i = 0 To .Count - 2
- varResult = varResult & _
- PrintMalType(arrKeys(i), boolReadable) & " " & _
- PrintMalType(.Item(arrKeys(i)), boolReadable) & " "
- Next
- If .Count > 0 Then
- varResult = varResult & _
- PrintMalType(arrKeys(.Count - 1), boolReadable) & " " & _
- PrintMalType(.Item(arrKeys(.Count - 1)), boolReadable)
- End If
- End With
- varResult = "{" & varResult & "}"
- If boolReadable Then
- varResult = EscapeString(objMal.Value)
- Else
- varResult = objMal.Value
- End If
- If objMal.Value Then
- varResult = "true"
- Else
- varResult = "false"
- End If
- varResult = "nil"
- varResult = CStr(objMal.Value)
- varResult = "#<function>"
- varResult = objMal.Value
- varResult = objMal.Value
- varResult = "(atom " + PrintMalType(objMal.Value, boolReadable) + ")"
- Case Else
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "PrintMalType", "Unknown type."
- End Select
- PrintMalType = varResult
- End Function
- Function EscapeString(strRaw)
- EscapeString = strRaw
- EscapeString = Replace(EscapeString, "\", "\\")
- EscapeString = Replace(EscapeString, vbCrLf, "\n")
- EscapeString = Replace(EscapeString, """", "\""")
- EscapeString = """" & EscapeString & """"
- End Function
- Function NewEnv(objOuter)
- Dim varRet
- Set varRet = New Environment
- Set varRet.Self = varRet
- Set varRet.Outer = objOuter
- Set NewEnv = varRet
- End Function
- Class Environment
- Private objOuter, objSelf
- Private objBinds
- Private Sub Class_Initialize()
- Set objBinds = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
- Set objOuter = Nothing
- Set objSelf = Nothing
- End Sub
- Public Property Set Outer(objEnv)
- Set objOuter = objEnv
- End Property
- Public Property Get Outer()
- Set Outer = objOuter
- End Property
- Public Property Set Self(objEnv)
- Set objSelf = objEnv
- End Property
- Public Sub Add(varKey, varValue)
- Set objBinds.Item(varKey.Value) = varValue
- End Sub
- Public Function Find(varKey)
- Dim varRet
- If objBinds.Exists(varKey.Value) Then
- Set varRet = objSelf
- Else
- If TypeName(objOuter) <> "Nothing" Then
- Set varRet = objOuter.Find(varKey)
- Else
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "Environment", "'" + varKey.Value + "' not found"
- End If
- End If
- Set Find = varRet
- End Function
- Public Function [Get](varKey)
- Dim objEnv, varRet
- Set objEnv = Find(varKey)
- If objEnv Is objSelf Then
- Set varRet = objBinds(varKey.Value)
- Else
- Set varRet = objEnv.Get(varKey)
- End If
- Set [Get] = varRet
- End Function
- End Class
- Sub CheckArgNum(objArgs, lngArgNum)
- If objArgs.Count - 1 <> lngArgNum Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "CheckArgNum", "Wrong number of arguments."
- End IF
- End Sub
- Sub CheckType(objMal, varType)
- If objMal.Type <> varType Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "CheckType", "Wrong argument type."
- End IF
- End Sub
- Function IsListOrVec(objMal)
- IsListOrVec = _
- objMal.Type = TYPES.LIST Or _
- objMal.Type = TYPES.VECTOR
- End Function
- Sub CheckListOrVec(objMal)
- If Not IsListOrVec(objMal) Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "CheckListOrVec", _
- "Wrong argument type, need a list or a vector."
- End If
- End Sub
- Dim objNS
- Set objNS = NewEnv(Nothing)
- Function MAdd(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.NUMBER
- CheckType objArgs.Item(2), TYPES.NUMBER
- Set MAdd = NewMalNum( _
- objArgs.Item(1).Value + objArgs.Item(2).Value)
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("+"), NewVbsProc("MAdd", False)
- Function MSub(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.NUMBER
- CheckType objArgs.Item(2), TYPES.NUMBER
- Set MSub = NewMalNum( _
- objArgs.Item(1).Value - objArgs.Item(2).Value)
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("-"), NewVbsProc("MSub", False)
- Function MMul(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.NUMBER
- CheckType objArgs.Item(2), TYPES.NUMBER
- Set MMul = NewMalNum( _
- objArgs.Item(1).Value * objArgs.Item(2).Value)
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("*"), NewVbsProc("MMul", False)
- Function MDiv(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.NUMBER
- CheckType objArgs.Item(2), TYPES.NUMBER
- Set MDiv = NewMalNum( _
- objArgs.Item(1).Value \ objArgs.Item(2).Value)
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("/"), NewVbsProc("MDiv", False)
- Function MList(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRet
- Set varRet = NewMalList(Array())
- Dim i
- For i = 1 To objArgs.Count - 1
- varRet.Add objArgs.Item(i)
- Next
- Set MList = varRet
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("list"), NewVbsProc("MList", False)
- Function MIsList(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Set MIsList = NewMalBool(objArgs.Item(1).Type = TYPES.LIST)
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("list?"), NewVbsProc("MIsList", False)
- Function MIsEmpty(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- CheckListOrVec objArgs.Item(1)
- Set MIsEmpty = NewMalBool(objArgs.Item(1).Count = 0)
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("empty?"), NewVbsProc("MIsEmpty", False)
- Function MCount(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- If objArgs.Item(1).Type = TYPES.NIL Then
- Set MCount = NewMalNum(0)
- Else
- CheckListOrVec objArgs.Item(1)
- Set MCount = NewMalNum(objArgs.Item(1).Count)
- End If
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("count"), NewVbsProc("MCount", False)
- Function MEqual(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRet
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- Dim boolResult, i
- If IsListOrVec(objArgs.Item(1)) And _
- IsListOrVec(objArgs.Item(2)) Then
- If objArgs.Item(1).Count <> objArgs.Item(2).Count Then
- Set varRet = NewMalBool(False)
- Else
- boolResult = True
- For i = 0 To objArgs.Item(1).Count - 1
- boolResult = boolResult And _
- MEqual(NewMalList(Array(Nothing, _
- objArgs.Item(1).Item(i), _
- objArgs.Item(2).Item(i))), objEnv).Value
- Next
- Set varRet = NewMalBool(boolResult)
- End If
- Else
- If objArgs.Item(1).Type <> objArgs.Item(2).Type Then
- Set varRet = NewMalBool(False)
- Else
- Select Case objArgs.Item(1).Type
- 'Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- ' "MEqual", "Not implement yet~"
- If UBound(objArgs.Item(1).Keys) <> UBound(objArgs.Item(2).Keys) Then
- Set varRet = NewMalBool(False)
- Set MEqual = varRet
- Exit Function
- End If
- boolResult = True
- For Each i In objArgs.Item(1).Keys
- If Not objArgs.Item(2).Exists(i) Then
- Set varRet = NewMalBool(False)
- Set MEqual = varRet
- Exit Function
- End If
- boolResult = boolResult And _
- MEqual(NewMalList(Array(Nothing, objArgs.Item(1).Item(i), objArgs.Item(2).Item(i))), objEnv).Value
- Next
- Set varRet = NewMalBool(boolResult)
- Case Else
- Set varRet = NewMalBool( _
- objArgs.Item(1).Value = objArgs.Item(2).Value)
- End Select
- End If
- End If
- Set MEqual = varRet
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("="), NewVbsProc("MEqual", False)
- Function MGreater(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRet
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.NUMBER
- CheckType objArgs.Item(2), TYPES.NUMBER
- Set varRet = NewMalBool( _
- objArgs.Item(1).Value > objArgs.Item(2).Value)
- Set MGreater = varRet
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym(">"), NewVbsProc("MGreater", False)
- Function MPrStr(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRet
- Dim strRet
- strRet = ""
- Dim i
- If objArgs.Count - 1 >= 1 Then
- strRet = PrintMalType(objArgs.Item(1), True)
- End If
- For i = 2 To objArgs.Count - 1
- strRet = strRet + " " + _
- PrintMalType(objArgs.Item(i), True)
- Next
- Set varRet = NewMalStr(strRet)
- Set MPrStr = varRet
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("pr-str"), NewVbsProc("MPrStr", False)
- Function MStr(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRet
- Dim strRet
- strRet = ""
- Dim i
- For i = 1 To objArgs.Count - 1
- strRet = strRet + _
- PrintMalType(objArgs.Item(i), False)
- Next
- Set varRet = NewMalStr(strRet)
- Set MStr = varRet
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("str"), NewVbsProc("MStr", False)
- Function MPrn(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRet
- Dim objStr
- Set objStr = MPrStr(objArgs, objEnv)
- WScript.StdOut.WriteLine objStr.Value
- Set varRet = NewMalNil()
- Set MPrn = varRet
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("prn"), NewVbsProc("MPrn", False)
- Function MPrintln(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRet
- Dim strRes
- strRes = ""
- Dim i
- If objArgs.Count - 1 >= 1 Then
- strRes = PrintMalType(objArgs.Item(1), False)
- End If
- For i = 2 To objArgs.Count - 1
- strRes = strRes + " " + _
- PrintMalType(objArgs.Item(i), False)
- Next
- WScript.StdOut.WriteLine strRes
- Set varRet = NewMalNil()
- Set MPrintln = varRet
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("println"), NewVbsProc("MPrintln", False)
- Sub InitBuiltIn()
- REP "(def! not (fn* [bool] (if bool false true)))"
- REP "(def! <= (fn* [a b] (not (> a b))))"
- REP "(def! < (fn* [a b] (> b a)))"
- REP "(def! >= (fn* [a b] (not (> b a))))"
- REP "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str ""(do "" (slurp f) ""\nnil)"")))))"
- REP "(def! cons (fn* [a b] (concat (list a) b)))"
- REP "(def! nil? (fn* [x] (= x nil)))"
- REP "(def! true? (fn* [x] (= x true)))"
- REP "(def! false? (fn* [x] (= x false)))"
- REP "(def! vector (fn* [& args] (vec args)))"
- REP "(def! vals (fn* [hmap] (map (fn* [key] (get hmap key)) (keys hmap))))"
- REP "(def! *host-language* ""VBScript"")"
- End Sub
- Function MReadStr(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.STRING
- Set varRes = ReadString(objArgs.Item(1).Value)
- If TypeName(varRes) = "Nothing" Then
- Set varRes = NewMalNil()
- End If
- Set MReadStr = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("read-string"), NewVbsProc("MReadStr", False)
- Function MSlurp(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.STRING
- Dim strRes
- With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- strRes = .OpenTextFile( _
- .GetParentFolderName( _
- .GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)) & _
- "\" & objArgs.Item(1).Value).ReadAll
- End With
- Set varRes = NewMalStr(strRes)
- Set MSlurp = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("slurp"), NewVbsProc("MSlurp", False)
- Function MAtom(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Set varRes = NewMalAtom(objArgs.Item(1))
- Set MAtom = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("atom"), NewVbsProc("MAtom", False)
- Function MIsAtom(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Set varRes = NewMalBool(objArgs.Item(1).Type = TYPES.ATOM)
- Set MIsAtom = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("atom?"), NewVbsProc("MIsAtom", False)
- Function MDeref(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.ATOM
- Set varRes = objArgs.Item(1).Value
- Set MDeref = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("deref"), NewVbsProc("MDeref", False)
- Function MReset(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.ATOM
- objArgs.Item(1).Reset objArgs.Item(2)
- Set varRes = objArgs.Item(2)
- Set MReset = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("reset!"), NewVbsProc("MReset", False)
- Function MSwap(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- If objArgs.Count - 1 < 2 Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MSwap", "Need more arguments."
- End If
- Dim objAtom, objFn
- Set objAtom = objArgs.Item(1)
- CheckType objAtom, TYPES.ATOM
- Set objFn = objArgs.Item(2)
- CheckType objFn, TYPES.PROCEDURE
- Dim objProg
- Set objProg = NewMalList(Array(objFn))
- objProg.Add objAtom.Value
- Dim i
- For i = 3 To objArgs.Count - 1
- objProg.Add objArgs.Item(i)
- Next
- objAtom.Reset objFn.ApplyWithoutEval(objProg, objEnv)
- Set varRes = objAtom.Value
- Set MSwap = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("swap!"), NewVbsProc("MSwap", False)
- Function MConcat(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- Dim i, j
- Set varRes = NewMalList(Array())
- For i = 1 To objArgs.Count - 1
- If Not IsListOrVec(objArgs.Item(i)) Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MConcat", "Invaild argument(s)."
- End If
- For j = 0 To objArgs.Item(i).Count - 1
- varRes.Add objArgs.Item(i).Item(j)
- Next
- Next
- Set MConcat = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("concat"), NewVbsProc("MConcat", False)
- Function MVec(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- CheckListOrVec objArgs.Item(1)
- Set varRes = NewMalVec(Array())
- Dim i
- For i = 0 To objArgs.Item(1).Count - 1
- varRes.Add objArgs.Item(1).Item(i)
- Next
- Set MVec = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("vec"), NewVbsProc("MVec", False)
- Function MNth(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- CheckListOrVec objArgs.Item(1)
- CheckType objArgs.Item(2), TYPES.NUMBER
- If objArgs.Item(2).Value < objArgs.Item(1).Count Then
- Set varRes = objArgs.Item(1).Item(objArgs.Item(2).Value)
- Else
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MNth", "Index out of bounds."
- End If
- Set MNth = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("nth"), NewVbsProc("MNth", False)
- Function MFirst(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- If objArgs.Item(1).Type = TYPES.NIL Then
- Set varRes = NewMalNil()
- Set MFirst = varRes
- Exit Function
- End If
- CheckListOrVec objArgs.Item(1)
- If objArgs.Item(1).Count < 1 Then
- Set varRes = NewMalNil()
- Else
- Set varRes = objArgs.Item(1).Item(0)
- End If
- Set MFirst = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("first"), NewVbsProc("MFirst", False)
- Function MRest(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- If objArgs.Item(1).Type = TYPES.NIL Then
- Set varRes = NewMalList(Array())
- Set MRest = varRes
- Exit Function
- End If
- Dim objList
- Set objList = objArgs.Item(1)
- CheckListOrVec objList
- Set varRes = NewMalList(Array())
- Dim i
- For i = 1 To objList.Count - 1
- varRes.Add objList.Item(i)
- Next
- Set MRest = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("rest"), NewVbsProc("MRest", False)
- Sub InitMacro()
- REP "(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw ""odd number of forms to cond"")) (cons'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))"
- 'REP "(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))"
- REP "(def! *gensym-counter* (atom 0))"
- REP "(def! gensym (fn* [] (symbol (str ""G__"" (swap! *gensym-counter* (fn* [x] (+ 1 x)))))))"
- REP "(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) (let* (condvar (gensym)) `(let* (~condvar ~(first xs)) (if ~condvar ~condvar (or ~@(rest xs)))))))))"
- End Sub
- Class MalException
- Private objDict
- Private Sub Class_Initialize
- Set objDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
- End Sub
- Public Sub Add(varKey, varValue)
- objDict.Add varKey, varValue
- End Sub
- Public Function Item(varKey)
- Set Item = objDict.Item(varKey)
- End Function
- Public Sub Remove(varKey)
- objDict.Remove varKey
- End Sub
- End Class
- Dim objExceptions
- Set objExceptions = New MalException
- Function MThrow(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Dim strRnd
- strRnd = CStr(Rnd())
- objExceptions.Add strRnd, objArgs.Item(1)
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MThrow", strRnd
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("throw"), NewVbsProc("MThrow", False)
- Function MApply(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- If objArgs.Count - 1 < 2 Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MApply", "Need more arguments."
- End If
- Dim objFn
- Set objFn = objArgs.Item(1)
- CheckType objFn, TYPES.PROCEDURE
- If objFn.IsSpecial Or objFn.IsMacro Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MApply", "Need a function."
- End If
- Dim objAST
- Set objAST = NewMalList(Array(objFn))
- Dim i
- For i = 2 To objArgs.Count - 2
- objAST.Add objArgs.Item(i)
- Next
- Dim objSeq
- Set objSeq = objArgs.Item(objArgs.Count - 1)
- CheckListOrVec objSeq
- For i = 0 To objSeq.Count - 1
- objAST.Add objSeq.Item(i)
- Next
- Set varRes = objFn.ApplyWithoutEval(objAST, objEnv)
- Set MApply = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("apply"), NewVbsProc("MApply", False)
- Function MMap(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- Dim objFn, objSeq
- Set objFn = objArgs.Item(1)
- Set objSeq = objArgs.Item(2)
- CheckType objFn, TYPES.PROCEDURE
- CheckListOrVec objSeq
- If objFn.IsSpecial Or objFn.IsMacro Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MApply", "Need a function."
- End If
- Set varRes = NewMalList(Array())
- Dim i
- For i = 0 To objSeq.Count - 1
- varRes.Add objFn.ApplyWithoutEval(NewMalList(Array( _
- objFn, objSeq.Item(i))), objEnv)
- Next
- Set MMap = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("map"), NewVbsProc("MMap", False)
- Function MIsSymbol(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Set varRes = NewMalBool(objArgs.Item(1).Type = TYPES.SYMBOL)
- Set MIsSymbol = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("symbol?"), NewVbsProc("MIsSymbol", False)
- Function MSymbol(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.STRING
- Set varRes = NewMalSym(objArgs.Item(1).Value)
- Set MSymbol = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("symbol"), NewVbsProc("MSymbol", False)
- Function MKeyword(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Select Case objArgs.Item(1).Type
- Set varRes = NewMalKwd(":" + objArgs.Item(1).Value)
- Set varRes = objArgs.Item(1)
- Case Else
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MKeyword", "Unexpect argument(s)."
- End Select
- Set MKeyword = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("keyword"), NewVbsProc("MKeyword", False)
- Function MIsKeyword(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Set varRes = NewMalBool(objArgs.Item(1).Type = TYPES.KEYWORD)
- Set MIsKeyword = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("keyword?"), NewVbsProc("MIsKeyword", False)
- Function MIsSeq(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Set varRes = NewMalBool( _
- objArgs.Item(1).Type = TYPES.LIST Or _
- objArgs.Item(1).Type = TYPES.VECTOR)
- Set MIsSeq = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("sequential?"), NewVbsProc("MIsSeq", False)
- Function MIsVec(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Set varRes = NewMalBool(objArgs.Item(1).Type = TYPES.VECTOR)
- Set MIsVec = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("vector?"), NewVbsProc("MIsVec", False)
- Function MIsMap(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Set varRes = NewMalBool(objArgs.Item(1).Type = TYPES.HASHMAP)
- Set MIsMap = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("map?"), NewVbsProc("MIsMap", False)
- Function MHashMap(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- If objArgs.Count Mod 2 <> 1 Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MHashMap", "Unexpect argument(s)."
- End If
- Set varRes = NewMalMap(Array(), Array())
- Dim i
- For i = 1 To objArgs.Count - 1 Step 2
- varRes.Add objArgs.Item(i), objArgs.Item(i + 1)
- Next
- Set MHashMap = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("hash-map"), NewVbsProc("MHashMap", False)
- Function MAssoc(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- If objArgs.Count - 1 < 3 Or objArgs.Count Mod 2 <> 0 Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MHashMap", "Unexpect argument(s)."
- End If
- Dim objMap
- Set objMap = objArgs.Item(1)
- CheckType objMap, TYPES.HASHMAP
- Dim i
- Set varRes = NewMalMap(Array(), Array())
- For Each i In objMap.Keys
- varRes.Add i, objMap.Item(i)
- Next
- For i = 2 To objArgs.Count - 1 Step 2
- varRes.Add objArgs.Item(i), objArgs.Item(i + 1)
- Next
- Set MAssoc = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("assoc"), NewVbsProc("MAssoc", False)
- Function MGet(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- If objArgs.Item(1).Type = TYPES.NIL Then
- Set varRes = NewMalNil()
- Else
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.HASHMAP
- If objArgs.Item(1).Exists(objArgs.Item(2)) Then
- Set varRes = objArgs.Item(1).Item(objArgs.Item(2))
- Else
- Set varRes = NewMalNil()
- End If
- End If
- Set MGet = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("get"), NewVbsProc("MGet", False)
- Function MDissoc(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- 'CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.HASHMAP
- If objArgs.Item(1).Exists(objArgs.Item(2)) Then
- Set varRes = NewMalMap(Array(), Array())
- Dim i
- Dim j, boolFlag
- For Each i In objArgs.Item(1).Keys
- boolFlag = True
- For j = 2 To objArgs.Count - 1
- If i.Type = objArgs.Item(j).Type And _
- i.Value = objArgs.Item(j).Value Then
- boolFlag = False
- End If
- Next
- If boolFlag Then
- varRes.Add i, objArgs.Item(1).Item(i)
- End If
- Next
- Else
- Set varRes = objArgs.Item(1)
- End If
- Set MDissoc = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("dissoc"), NewVbsProc("MDissoc", False)
- Function MKeys(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.HASHMAP
- Set MKeys = NewMalList(objArgs.Item(1).Keys)
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("keys"), NewVbsProc("MKeys", False)
- Function MIsContains(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.HASHMAP
- Set MIsContains = NewMalBool(objArgs.Item(1).Exists(objArgs.Item(2)))
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("contains?"), NewVbsProc("MIsContains", False)
- Function MReadLine(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.STRING
- Dim strInput
- WScript.StdOut.Write objArgs.Item(1).Value
- On Error Resume Next
- strInput = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine()
- If Err.Number <> 0 Then
- Set varRes = NewMalNil()
- Else
- Set varRes = NewMalStr(strInput)
- End If
- On Error Goto 0
- Set MReadLine = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("readline"), NewVbsProc("MReadLine", False)
- Function MTimeMs(objArgs, objEnv)
- Set MTimeMs = NewMalNum(CLng(Timer * 1000))
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("time-ms"), NewVbsProc("MTimeMs", False)
- Function MIsStr(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Set MIsStr = NewMalBool(objArgs.Item(1).Type = TYPES.STRING)
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("string?"), NewVbsProc("MIsStr", False)
- Function MIsNum(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Set MIsNum = NewMalBool(objArgs.Item(1).Type = TYPES.NUMBER)
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("number?"), NewVbsProc("MIsNum", False)
- Function MIsFn(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Dim varRes
- varRes = objArgs.Item(1).Type = TYPES.PROCEDURE
- If varRes Then
- varRes = (Not objArgs.Item(1).IsMacro) And _
- (Not objArgs.Item(1).IsSpecial)
- End If
- Set MIsFn = NewMalBool(varRes)
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("fn?"), NewVbsProc("MIsFn", False)
- Function MIsMacro(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Dim varRes
- varRes = objArgs.Item(1).Type = TYPES.PROCEDURE
- If varRes Then
- varRes = objArgs.Item(1).IsMacro And _
- (Not objArgs.Item(1).IsSpecial)
- End If
- Set MIsMacro = NewMalBool(varRes)
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("macro?"), NewVbsProc("MIsMacro", False)
- Function MMeta(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- 'CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.PROCEDURE
- Dim varRes
- Set varRes = GetMeta(objArgs.Item(1))
- Set MMeta = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("meta"), NewVbsProc("MMeta", False)
- Function MWithMeta(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- 'CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.PROCEDURE
- Dim varRes
- Set varRes = SetMeta(objArgs.Item(1), objArgs.Item(2))
- Set MWithMeta = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("with-meta"), NewVbsProc("MWithMeta", False)
- Function MConj(objArgs, objEnv)
- If objArgs.Count - 1 < 1 Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MConj", "Need more arguments."
- End If
- Dim varRes
- Dim objSeq
- Set objSeq = objArgs.Item(1)
- Dim i
- Select Case objSeq.Type
- Set varRes = NewMalList(Array())
- For i = objArgs.Count - 1 To 2 Step -1
- varRes.Add objArgs.Item(i)
- Next
- For i = 0 To objSeq.Count - 1
- varRes.Add objSeq.Item(i)
- Next
- Set varRes = NewMalVec(Array())
- For i = 0 To objSeq.Count - 1
- varRes.Add objSeq.Item(i)
- Next
- For i = 2 To objArgs.Count - 1
- varRes.Add objArgs.Item(i)
- Next
- Case Else
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MConj", "Unexpect argument type."
- End Select
- Set MConj = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("conj"), NewVbsProc("MConj", False)
- Function MSeq(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Dim objSeq
- Set objSeq = objArgs.Item(1)
- Dim varRes
- Dim i
- Select Case objSeq.Type
- If objSeq.Value = "" Then
- Set varRes = NewMalNil()
- Else
- Set varRes = NewMalList(Array())
- For i = 1 To Len(objSeq.Value)
- varRes.Add NewMalStr(Mid(objSeq.Value, i, 1))
- Next
- End If
- If objSeq.Count = 0 Then
- Set varRes = NewMalNil()
- Else
- Set varRes = objSeq
- End If
- If objSeq.Count = 0 Then
- Set varRes = NewMalNil()
- Else
- Set varRes = NewMalList(Array())
- For i = 0 To objSeq.Count - 1
- varRes.Add objSeq.Item(i)
- Next
- End If
- Set varRes = NewMalNil()
- Case Else
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MSeq", "Unexpect argument type."
- End Select
- Set MSeq = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("seq"), NewVbsProc("MSeq", False)
- Class TailCall
- Public objMalType
- Public objEnv
- End Class
- Function EvalLater(objMal, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- Set varRes = New TailCall
- Set varRes.objMalType = objMal
- Set varRes.objEnv = objEnv
- Set EvalLater = varRes
- End Function
- Function MDef(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRet
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.SYMBOL
- Set varRet = Evaluate(objArgs.Item(2), objEnv)
- objEnv.Add objArgs.Item(1), varRet
- Set MDef = varRet
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("def!"), NewVbsProc("MDef", True)
- Function MLet(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRet
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- Dim objBinds
- Set objBinds = objArgs.Item(1)
- CheckListOrVec objBinds
- If objBinds.Count Mod 2 <> 0 Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MLet", "Wrong argument count."
- End If
- Dim objNewEnv
- Set objNewEnv = NewEnv(objEnv)
- Dim i, objSym
- For i = 0 To objBinds.Count - 1 Step 2
- Set objSym = objBinds.Item(i)
- CheckType objSym, TYPES.SYMBOL
- objNewEnv.Add objSym, Evaluate(objBinds.Item(i + 1), objNewEnv)
- Next
- Set varRet = EvalLater(objArgs.Item(2), objNewEnv)
- Set MLet = varRet
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("let*"), NewVbsProc("MLet", True)
- Function MDo(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRet, i
- If objArgs.Count - 1 < 1 Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MDo", "Need more arguments."
- End If
- For i = 1 To objArgs.Count - 2
- Call Evaluate(objArgs.Item(i), objEnv)
- Next
- Set varRet = EvalLater( _
- objArgs.Item(objArgs.Count - 1), _
- objEnv)
- Set MDo = varRet
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("do"), NewVbsProc("MDo", True)
- Function MIf(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRet
- If objArgs.Count - 1 <> 3 And _
- objArgs.Count - 1 <> 2 Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MIf", "Wrong number of arguments."
- End If
- Dim objCond
- Set objCond = Evaluate(objArgs.Item(1), objEnv)
- Dim boolCond
- If objCond.Type = TYPES.BOOLEAN Then
- boolCond = objCond.Value
- Else
- boolCond = True
- End If
- boolCond = (boolCond And objCond.Type <> TYPES.NIL)
- If boolCond Then
- Set varRet = EvalLater(objArgs.Item(2), objEnv)
- Else
- If objArgs.Count - 1 = 3 Then
- Set varRet = EvalLater(objArgs.Item(3), objEnv)
- Else
- Set varRet = NewMalNil()
- End If
- End If
- Set MIf = varRet
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("if"), NewVbsProc("MIf", True)
- Function MFn(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRet
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- Dim objParams, objCode
- Set objParams = objArgs.Item(1)
- CheckListOrVec objParams
- Set objCode = objArgs.Item(2)
- Dim i
- For i = 0 To objParams.Count - 1
- CheckType objParams.Item(i), TYPES.SYMBOL
- Next
- Set varRet = NewMalProc(objParams, objCode, objEnv)
- Set MFn = varRet
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("fn*"), NewVbsProc("MFn", True)
- Function MEval(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Set varRes = Evaluate(objArgs.Item(1), objEnv)
- Set varRes = EvalLater(varRes, objNS)
- Set MEval = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("eval"), NewVbsProc("MEval", True)
- Function MQuote(objArgs, objEnv)
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Set MQuote = objArgs.Item(1)
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("quote"), NewVbsProc("MQuote", True)
- Function MQuasiQuote(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Set varRes = EvalLater( _
- MQuasiQuoteExpand(objArgs, objEnv), objEnv)
- Set MQuasiQuote = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("quasiquote"), NewVbsProc("MQuasiQuote", True)
- Function MQuasiQuoteExpand(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Set varRes = ExpandHelper(objArgs.Item(1))
- If varRes.Splice Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MQuasiQuoteExpand", "Wrong return value type."
- End If
- Set varRes = varRes.Value
- Set MQuasiQuoteExpand = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("quasiquoteexpand"), NewVbsProc("MQuasiQuoteExpand", True)
- Class ExpandType
- Public Splice
- Public Value
- End Class
- Function NewExpandType(objValue, boolSplice)
- Dim varRes
- Set varRes = New ExpandType
- Set varRes.Value = objValue
- varRes.Splice = boolSplice
- Set NewExpandType = varRes
- End Function
- Function ExpandHelper(objArg)
- Dim varRes, boolSplice
- Dim varBuilder, varEType, i
- boolSplice = False
- Select Case objArg.Type
- Dim boolNormal
- boolNormal = False
- ' Check for unquotes.
- Select Case objArg.Count
- Case 2
- ' Maybe have a bug here
- ' like (unquote a b c) should be throw a error
- If objArg.Item(0).Type = TYPES.SYMBOL Then
- Select Case objArg.Item(0).Value
- Case "unquote"
- Set varRes = objArg.Item(1)
- Case "splice-unquote"
- Set varRes = objArg.Item(1)
- boolSplice = True
- Case Else
- boolNormal = True
- End Select
- Else
- boolNormal = True
- End If
- Case Else
- boolNormal = True
- End Select
- If boolNormal Then
- Set varRes = NewMalList(Array())
- Set varBuilder = varRes
- For i = 0 To objArg.Count - 1
- Set varEType = ExpandHelper(objArg.Item(i))
- If varEType.Splice Then
- varBuilder.Add NewMalSym("concat")
- Else
- varBuilder.Add NewMalSym("cons")
- End If
- varBuilder.Add varEType.Value
- varBuilder.Add NewMalList(Array())
- Set varBuilder = varBuilder.Item(2)
- Next
- End If
- Set varRes = NewMalList(Array( _
- NewMalSym("vec"), NewMalList(Array())))
- Set varBuilder = varRes.Item(1)
- For i = 0 To objArg.Count - 1
- Set varEType = ExpandHelper(objArg.Item(i))
- If varEType.Splice Then
- varBuilder.Add NewMalSym("concat")
- Else
- varBuilder.Add NewMalSym("cons")
- End If
- varBuilder.Add varEType.Value
- varBuilder.Add NewMalList(Array())
- Set varBuilder = varBuilder.Item(2)
- Next
- ' Maybe have a bug here.
- ' e.g. {"key" ~value}
- Set varRes = NewMalList(Array( _
- NewMalSym("quote"), objArg))
- Set varRes = NewMalList(Array( _
- NewMalSym("quote"), objArg))
- Case Else
- ' Maybe have a bug here.
- ' All unspecified type will return itself.
- Set varRes = objArg
- End Select
- Set ExpandHelper = NewExpandType(varRes, boolSplice)
- End Function
- Function MDefMacro(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRet
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- CheckType objArgs.Item(1), TYPES.SYMBOL
- Set varRet = Evaluate(objArgs.Item(2), objEnv).Copy()
- CheckType varRet, TYPES.PROCEDURE
- varRet.IsMacro = True
- objEnv.Add objArgs.Item(1), varRet
- Set MDefMacro = varRet
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("defmacro!"), NewVbsProc("MDefMacro", True)
- Function IsMacroCall(objCode, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- varRes = False
- ' VBS has no short-circuit evaluation.
- If objCode.Type = TYPES.LIST Then
- If objCode.Count > 0 Then
- If objCode.Item(0).Type = TYPES.SYMBOL Then
- Dim varValue
- Set varValue = objEnv.Get(objCode.Item(0))
- If varValue.Type = TYPES.PROCEDURE Then
- If varValue.IsMacro Then
- varRes = True
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- IsMacroCall = varRes
- End Function
- Function MacroExpand(ByVal objAST, ByVal objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- While IsMacroCall(objAST, objEnv)
- Dim varMacro
- Set varMacro = objEnv.Get(objAST.Item(0))
- Set objAST = varMacro.MacroApply(objAST, objEnv)
- Wend
- Set varRes = objAST
- Set MacroExpand = varRes
- End Function
- Function MMacroExpand(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 1
- Set varRes = MacroExpand(objArgs.Item(1), objEnv)
- Set MMacroExpand = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("macroexpand"), NewVbsProc("MMacroExpand", True)
- Function MTry(objArgs, objEnv)
- Dim varRes
- If objArgs.Count - 1 < 1 Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MTry", "Need more arguments."
- End If
- If objArgs.Count - 1 = 1 Then
- Set varRes = EvalLater(objArgs.Item(1), objEnv)
- Set MTry = varRes
- Exit Function
- End If
- CheckArgNum objArgs, 2
- CheckType objArgs.Item(2), TYPES.LIST
- Dim objTry, objCatch
- Set objTry = objArgs.Item(1)
- Set objCatch = objArgs.Item(2)
- CheckArgNum objCatch, 2
- CheckType objCatch.Item(0), TYPES.SYMBOL
- CheckType objCatch.Item(1), TYPES.SYMBOL
- If objCatch.Item(0).Value <> "catch*" Then
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "MTry", "Unexpect argument(s)."
- End If
- On Error Resume Next
- Set varRes = Evaluate(objTry, objEnv)
- If Err.Number <> 0 Then
- Dim objException
- If Err.Source <> "MThrow" Then
- Set objException = NewMalStr(Err.Description)
- Else
- Set objException = objExceptions.Item(Err.Description)
- objExceptions.Remove Err.Description
- End If
- Call Err.Clear()
- On Error Goto 0
- ' The code below may cause error too.
- ' So we should clear err info & throw out any errors.
- ' Use 'quote' to avoid eval objExp again.
- Set varRes = Evaluate(NewMalList(Array( _
- NewMalSym("let*"), NewMalList(Array( _
- objCatch.Item(1), NewMalList(Array( _
- NewMalSym("quote"), objException)))), _
- objCatch.Item(2))), objEnv)
- Else
- On Error Goto 0
- End If
- Set MTry = varRes
- End Function
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("try*"), NewVbsProc("MTry", True)
- Call InitBuiltIn()
- Call InitMacro()
- Call InitArgs()
- Sub InitArgs()
- Dim objArgs
- Set objArgs = NewMalList(Array())
- Dim i
- For i = 1 To WScript.Arguments.Count - 1
- objArgs.Add NewMalStr(WScript.Arguments.Item(i))
- Next
- objNS.Add NewMalSym("*ARGV*"), objArgs
- If WScript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
- REP "(load-file """ + WScript.Arguments.Item(0) + """)"
- WScript.Quit 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Randomize 1228
- Call REPL()
- Sub REPL()
- Dim strCode, strResult
- REP "(println (str ""Mal [""*host-language*""]""))"
- While True
- WScript.StdOut.Write "user> "
- On Error Resume Next
- strCode = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine()
- If Err.Number <> 0 Then WScript.Quit 0
- On Error Goto 0
- Dim strRes
- On Error Resume Next
- strRes = REP(strCode)
- If Err.Number <> 0 Then
- If Err.Source = "MThrow" Then
- 'WScript.StdErr.WriteLine Err.Source + ": " + _
- WScript.StdErr.WriteLine "Exception: " + _
- PrintMalType(objExceptions.Item(Err.Description), True)
- objExceptions.Remove Err.Description
- Else
- 'WScript.StdErr.WriteLine Err.Source + ": " + Err.Description
- WScript.StdErr.WriteLine "Exception: " + Err.Description
- End If
- Else
- If strRes <> "" Then
- WScript.Echo strRes
- End If
- End If
- On Error Goto 0
- Wend
- End Sub
- Function Read(strCode)
- Set Read = ReadString(strCode)
- End Function
- Function Evaluate(ByVal objCode, ByVal objEnv)
- While True
- If TypeName(objCode) = "Nothing" Then
- Set Evaluate = Nothing
- Exit Function
- End If
- Set objCode = MacroExpand(objCode, objEnv)
- Dim varRet, objFirst
- If objCode.Type = TYPES.LIST Then
- If objCode.Count = 0 Then ' ()
- Set Evaluate = objCode
- Exit Function
- End If
- Set objFirst = Evaluate(objCode.Item(0), objEnv)
- Set varRet = objFirst.Apply(objCode, objEnv)
- Else
- Set varRet = EvaluateAST(objCode, objEnv)
- End If
- If TypeName(varRet) = "TailCall" Then
- ' NOTICE: If not specify 'ByVal',
- ' Change of arguments will influence
- ' the caller's variable!
- Set objCode = varRet.objMalType
- Set objEnv = varRet.objEnv
- Else
- Set Evaluate = varRet
- Exit Function
- End If
- Wend
- End Function
- Function EvaluateAST(objCode, objEnv)
- Dim varRet, i
- Select Case objCode.Type
- Set varRet = objEnv.Get(objCode)
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "EvaluateAST", "Unexpect type."
- Set varRet = NewMalVec(Array())
- For i = 0 To objCode.Count() - 1
- varRet.Add Evaluate(objCode.Item(i), objEnv)
- Next
- Set varRet = NewMalMap(Array(), Array())
- For Each i In objCode.Keys()
- varRet.Add i, Evaluate(objCode.Item(i), objEnv)
- Next
- Case Else
- Set varRet = objCode
- End Select
- Set EvaluateAST = varRet
- End Function
- Function EvaluateRest(objCode, objEnv)
- Dim varRet, i
- Select Case objCode.Type
- Set varRet = NewMalList(Array(NewMalNil()))
- For i = 1 To objCode.Count() - 1
- varRet.Add Evaluate(objCode.Item(i), objEnv)
- Next
- Case Else
- Err.Raise vbObjectError, _
- "EvaluateRest", "Unexpected type."
- End Select
- Set EvaluateRest = varRet
- End Function
- Function Print(objCode)
- Print = PrintMalType(objCode, True)
- End Function
- Function REP(strCode)
- REP = Print(Evaluate(Read(strCode), objNS))
- End Function
- Sub Include(strFileName)
- With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- ExecuteGlobal .OpenTextFile( _
- .GetParentFolderName( _
- .GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)) & _
- "\" & strFileName).ReadAll
- End With
- End Sub
作者: czjt1234 时间: 2023-1-30 16:55
不明觉厉 .
作者: 老刘1号 时间: 2023-1-30 19:06
几个测试用例(相等于语法教程了)- ;; Testing evaluation of arithmetic operations
- (+ 1 2)
- ;=>3
- (+ 5 (* 2 3))
- ;=>11
- (- (+ 5 (* 2 3)) 3)
- ;=>8
- (/ (- (+ 5 (* 2 3)) 3) 4)
- ;=>2
- (/ (- (+ 515 (* 87 311)) 302) 27)
- ;=>1010
- (* -3 6)
- ;=>-18
- (/ (- (+ 515 (* -87 311)) 296) 27)
- ;=>-994
- ;;; This should throw an error with no return value
- (abc 1 2 3)
- ;/.+
- ;; Testing empty list
- ()
- ;=>()
- ;>>> deferrable=True
- ;;
- ;; -------- Deferrable Functionality --------
- ;; Testing evaluation within collection literals
- [1 2 (+ 1 2)]
- ;=>[1 2 3]
- {"a" (+ 7 8)}
- ;=>{"a" 15}
- {:a (+ 7 8)}
- ;=>{:a 15}
- ;; Check that evaluation hasn't broken empty collections
- []
- ;=>[]
- {}
- ;=>{}
- ;; Testing REPL_ENV
- (+ 1 2)
- ;=>3
- (/ (- (+ 5 (* 2 3)) 3) 4)
- ;=>2
- ;; Testing def!
- (def! x 3)
- ;=>3
- x
- ;=>3
- (def! x 4)
- ;=>4
- x
- ;=>4
- (def! y (+ 1 7))
- ;=>8
- y
- ;=>8
- ;; Verifying symbols are case-sensitive
- (def! mynum 111)
- ;=>111
- (def! MYNUM 222)
- ;=>222
- mynum
- ;=>111
- ;=>222
- ;; Check env lookup non-fatal error
- (abc 1 2 3)
- ;/.*\'?abc\'? not found.*
- ;; Check that error aborts def!
- (def! w 123)
- (def! w (abc))
- w
- ;=>123
- ;; Testing let*
- (let* (z 9) z)
- ;=>9
- (let* (x 9) x)
- ;=>9
- x
- ;=>4
- (let* (z (+ 2 3)) (+ 1 z))
- ;=>6
- (let* (p (+ 2 3) q (+ 2 p)) (+ p q))
- ;=>12
- (def! y (let* (z 7) z))
- y
- ;=>7
- ;; Testing outer environment
- (def! a 4)
- ;=>4
- (let* (q 9) q)
- ;=>9
- (let* (q 9) a)
- ;=>4
- (let* (z 2) (let* (q 9) a))
- ;=>4
- ;>>> deferrable=True
- ;;
- ;; -------- Deferrable Functionality --------
- ;; Testing let* with vector bindings
- (let* [z 9] z)
- ;=>9
- (let* [p (+ 2 3) q (+ 2 p)] (+ p q))
- ;=>12
- ;; Testing vector evaluation
- (let* (a 5 b 6) [3 4 a [b 7] 8])
- ;=>[3 4 5 [6 7] 8]
- ;>>> soft=True
- ;>>> optional=True
- ;;
- ;; -------- Optional Functionality --------
- ;; Check that last assignment takes priority
- (let* (x 2 x 3) x)
- ;=>3
作者: CrLf 时间: 2023-1-31 11:11
作者: 老刘1号 时间: 2023-1-31 12:35
回复 4# CrLf
作者: 老刘1号 时间: 2023-7-8 13:21
回复 6# jyswjjgdwtdtj
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