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标题: [日期时间] 求助批处理解析TXT文本里的时间并计算成分钟数 [打印本页]

作者: smtcao008    时间: 2023-11-1 16:13     标题: 求助批处理解析TXT文本里的时间并计算成分钟数

本帖最后由 smtcao008 于 2023-11-1 17:03 编辑

13:47:34 Logging to file C:\3DMark_Logs\3DMarkLoop_01-11-2023_1347_27.log
13:47:34   _____ ____  __  __            _   
13:47:34  |___ /|  _ \|  \/  | __ _ _ __| | __
13:47:34    |_ \| | | | |\/| |/ _` | '__| |/ /
13:47:34   ___) | |_| | |  | | (_| | |  |   <
13:47:34  |____/|____/|_|  |_|\__,_|_|  |_|\_\
13:47:34 3DMark Command Line Client version: 2.6.6174 64
13:47:34 Futuremark Systeminfo version: 5.30.850.0
13:47:35 Starting benchmark. Loop 1 of inf
13:47:35 Running benchmark, system scan not included, and monitoring not included
13:47:35 Begin workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 1 Custom
13:48:14 End workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 1 Custom
13:48:14 Begin workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 2 Custom
13:48:56 End workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 2 Custom
13:48:56 Begin workload set Cloud Gate Physics Test Custom
13:49:23 End workload set Cloud Gate Physics Test Custom
13:49:23 Benchmark completed.
13:49:24 Starting benchmark. Loop 2 of inf
13:49:24 Running benchmark, system scan not included, and monitoring not included
13:49:24 Begin workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 1 Custom
13:50:02 End workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 1 Custom
13:50:02 Begin workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 2 Custom
13:50:45 End workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 2 Custom
13:50:45 Begin workload set Cloud Gate Physics Test Custom
13:51:13 End workload set Cloud Gate Physics Test Custom
13:51:13 Benchmark completed.
13:51:13 Starting benchmark. Loop 3 of inf
13:51:13 Running benchmark, system scan not included, and monitoring not included
13:51:13 Begin workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 1 Custom
13:51:51 End workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 1 Custom
13:51:51 Begin workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 2 Custom
13:52:34 End workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 2 Custom
13:52:34 Begin workload set Cloud Gate Physics Test Custom
13:53:01 End workload set Cloud Gate Physics Test Custom
13:53:01 Benchmark completed.
13:53:01 Starting benchmark. Loop 4 of inf
13:53:01 Running benchmark, system scan not included, and monitoring not included
13:53:01 Begin workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 1 Custom
13:53:40 End workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 1 Custom
13:53:40 Begin workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 2 Custom
13:54:23 End workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 2 Custom
13:54:23 Begin workload set Cloud Gate Physics Test Custom
13:54:50 End workload set Cloud Gate Physics Test Custom
13:54:50 Benchmark completed.
13:54:50 Starting benchmark. Loop 5 of inf
13:54:50 Running benchmark, system scan not included, and monitoring not included
13:54:50 Begin workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 1 Custom
13:55:28 End workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 1 Custom
13:55:28 Begin workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 2 Custom
13:56:11 End workload set Cloud Gate Graphics Test 2 Custom
13:56:11 Begin workload set Cloud Gate Physics Test Custom
13:56:38 End workload set Cloud Gate Physics Test Custom
13:56:38 Benchmark completed.

作者: wanghan519    时间: 2023-11-1 16:34

  1. $txt = gc .\a.txt; ((Get-Date (($txt | select -Last 1) -split ' ')[0])-(Get-Date (($txt | select -First 1) -split ' ')[0])).TotalMinutes

作者: Batcher    时间: 2023-11-1 16:48

回复 1# smtcao008

作者: smtcao008    时间: 2023-11-1 16:56

回复 2# wanghan519

作者: smtcao008    时间: 2023-11-1 17:04

回复 3# Batcher

作者: Five66    时间: 2023-11-1 19:23

本帖最后由 Five66 于 2023-11-2 01:28 编辑

  1. @echo off
  2. set "file=3d.log"
  3. for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%a in ('findstr /b "[0-9]" "%file%"') do (
  4. if not defined first set first=%%a
  5. set last=%%a
  6. )
  7. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  8. for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=:" %%a in ("!first!") do set /a m=1%%a*3600+1%%b*60+1%%c
  9. for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=:" %%a in ("!last!") do set /a n=1%%a*3600+1%%b*60+1%%c
  10. set /a "t1=n-m"
  11. if !t1! lss 0 (
  12. set /a t1=24*3600+t1
  13. )
  14. set /a t2=t1%%60
  15. set /a "t1=(t1-t2)/60"
  16. set /a t=t2*10000/60
  17. set t=0000!t!
  18. echo,time: !t1!.!t:~-4! mins
  19. endlocal
  20. pause

作者: hfxiang    时间: 2023-11-2 08:45

回复 1# smtcao008


  1. gawk "$1~/([0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])/{split($1,a,/:/);t2=(a[1]*60+a[2])*60+a[3];if(!r){t1=t2;r=1}}END{printf(\"hh:mm:ss %02d:%02d:%02d\",(t2-t1)/3600,(t2-t1)%3600/60,(t2-t1)%60)}" 3d.log
  1. gawk "$1~/([0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])/{split($1,a,/:/);t2=(a[1]*60+a[2])*60+a[3];if(!r){t1=t2;r=1}}END{printf(\"hh:mm:ss %%02d:%%02d:%%02d\",(t2-t1)/3600,(t2-t1)%%3600/60,(t2-t1)%%60)}" 3d.log

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