回复 5# 469396824
给你个例子,下面这个ttl脚本是我以前一个案子中用到的,我们要通过对主板上一颗BMC芯片下I2C指令来烧写I2C bus上的一个EEPROM,这只是我开发的一个烧写工具中的一个文件而已,对你启发意义应该不太大,如果你想学会并掌握它,建议你去看teraterm的帮助文件。- ;sendCommand.ttl
- ;param2 -- text file holding commands
- ;param3 -- com port number
- ;param4 -- baud rate
- ;param5 -- working directory
- ;param6 -- log file
- show -1
- str2int int1 param2
- str2int int2 param3
- str2int int3 param4
- str2int int4 param5
- str2int int5 param6
- if (int1=1)&(int2=2)&(int3=3)&(int4=4)&(int5=5) then
- messagebox 'command line parameters check ok!' 'test'
- exit
- endif
- ;setup area
- WorkDir=param5
- COM=param3
- Baud=param4
- setdir WorkDir
- strTemp=""
- strconcat strTemp '/C='
- strconcat strTemp COM
- strconcat strTemp ' /BAUD='
- strconcat strTemp Baud
- connect strTemp
- if result!=2 then
- messagebox 'Failed to connect to COM port.' 'Error'
- goto eof
- endif
- fileopen fhandle param2 0
- if fhandle=-1 then
- strTemp="Failed to read file "
- strconcat strTemp param2
- strconcat strTemp "."
- messagebox strTemp "Error"
- goto eof
- endif
- timeout=5
- mtimeout=0
- logopen param6 0 0 1
- while 1
- filereadln fhandle strLine
- if result=1 goto eof
- sendln strLine
- wait "[done]"#10"> "
- mpause 10
- if result=0 then
- logclose
- fileclose fhandle
- filedelete strTemp
- goto eof
- endif
- endwhile
- logclose
- fileclose fhandle
- :eof
- closett
- end