- on error resume next
- set instreem=wscript.stdin
- set outstreem=wscript.stdout
- if (lcase(right(wscript.fullname,11))="wscript.exe") then
- set objShell=wscript.createObject("wscript.shell")
- objShell.Run("cmd.exe /k cscript //nologo "&chr(34)&wscript.scriptfullname&chr(34))
- wscript.quit
- end if
- if wscript.arguments.count<4 then
- usage()
- wscript.echo "Not enough parameters."
- wscript.quit
- end if
- ipaddress=wscript.arguments(0)
- username=wscript.arguments(1)
- password=wscript.arguments(2)
- stroption=wscript.arguments(3)
- select case stroption
- case "-r"
- intflag=2
- strshow="reboot"
- case "-s"
- intflag=1
- strshow="shutdown"
- case "-l"
- intflag=0
- strshow="logoff"
- case "-p"
- intflag=8
- strshow="power off"
- case "-fr"
- intflag=6
- strshow="force reboot"
- case "-fs"
- inrflag=5
- strshow="force shutdown"
- case "-fl"
- intflag=4
- strshow="force logoff"
- case "-fp"
- intflag=12
- strshow="force power off"
- case else
- usage()
- wscript.echo "Parameters error."
- wscript.quit
- end select
- usage()
- outstreem.write "Conneting "&ipaddress&"...."
- set objlocator=createobject("wbemscripting.swbemlocator")
- set objswbemservices=objlocator.connectserver(ipaddress,"root/cimv2",username,password)
- showerror(err.number)
- outstreem.write "Applying for security privilege...."
- objswbemservices.security_.privileges.add 23,true
- objswbemservices.security_.privileges.add 18,true
- showerror(err.number)
- if intflag<>0 then
- outstreem.write "Checking boot os...."
- strwqlquery="select * from win32_computersystem"
- set colinstances=objswbemservices.execquery(strwqlquery)
- for each objinstance in colinstances
- bootos1=objinstance.properties_.item("systemstartupoptions")
- next
- strwqlquery="select * from win32_operatingsystem"
- set colinstances=objswbemservices.execquery(strwqlquery)
- for each objinstance in colinstances
- bootos2=objinstance.properties_.item("caption")
- next
- showerror(err.number)
- if bootos1(0)<>chr(34)&bootos2&chr(34) then
- wscript.echo "Current os is not default boot os!"
- outstreem.write "Do you want to continue?(y/n):"
- strinput=instreem.readline
- if lcase(strinput)<>"y" then
- wscript.echo "Canceled!"
- wscript.quit
- end if
- end if
- end if
- outstreem.write "Now, "&strshow&"ing target...."
- strwqlquery="select * from win32_operatingsystem where primary='true'"
- set colinstances=objswbemservices.execquery(strwqlquery)
- for each objinstance in colinstances
- objinstance.win32shutdown(intflag)
- next
- if err.number=0 then
- wscript.echo "OK!"&vbcrlf&"Target has been "&strshow&" Successfully!"
- else
- wscript.echo "Error!"
- end if
- function showerror(errornumber)
- if errornumber<>0 then
- wscript.echo "Error!"
- wscript.quit
- else
- wscript.echo "OK!"
- end if
- end function
- function usage()
- wscript.echo string(79,"*")
- wscript.echo "RRSS v1.03"
- wscript.echo "Remote Reboot and Shutdown Script, by zzzEVAzzz"
- wscript.echo "Welcome to visite www.isgrey.com"
- wscript.echo "Usage:"
- wscript.echo "cscript "&wscript.scriptfullname&" targetIP username password -r|s|l|p"
- wscript.echo "-r : reboot target."
- wscript.echo "-s : shutdown target."
- wscript.echo "-l : logoff target current user."
- wscript.echo "-p : power off target."
- wscript.echo string(79,"*")&vbcrlf
- end function